Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A RedWar AOER Guide

A RedWar AOER Guide is as follows and you can enjoy yourself after you read it: Don't fight too high. For example, when you are in a level 45 aoe ranger with int or health build, you can train in level 31 portal because of the reduced damage you received, and can be able to do mass mobbing. If you are aoe, attempt to stay 1-2 portals behind your char level until you make your builds and upgrades set properly. Staying where you are comfortable and using the least amount of pots helps keep money in your pocket.
Lower damage but higher physical and magic defense will help level you faster, because you can get a lot more mobs in one aoe. If you wish to increase your damage, upgrade your weapon or add some power when you feel comfortable enough with your build, but remember you are punching bags and need the defenses more than you need the power. Lastly, master your skills, what they do and use them to your advantages. Set them up comfortably for yourself on the hotkeys and go to kick some butt!
You should also notice that do not bless items at lv0-lv2, they may be better for you at the time but if you go try to sell them, they will not be worth as much as if you had waited for further levels to do it, you personally suggest a min level of 5 on the item to be blessing, anything lower is just a waste. No worries if you bless too soon, because there is a CS item to remove the blessing, it is better to wait until you have your items at the desired level beforehand.
That is all. Thanks for your reading and have a good time in the wonderful world of RedWar!
If u want to level up or make money in Red War, u can get all the guides information here: http://www.mmofuns.com/red-war-f215.html

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