Thursday, September 16, 2010

Maplestory :Training tips

1. In your early levels, you may want to use a melee weapon instead of a bow. If you do this, you will save a lot of cash, but you will probably level slower. Some even put points in strength to have better melee damage. You can do it if you want to. Just don't put too much point in it.

2. Some people will try to steal your kills in your early levels. There are not a lot of solutions for this. The best one would be to go at a less crowded map, or to change channels.

3. After level 35, you may consider buying mana potions to level. Before this, it's not really needed. It will just make you poorer. Once you start one hit killing boars, buying mana potions is the best solution. You will level twice as fast as you did.

4.At level 40, you may start to use scrolls on your bow. At first, you probably won't have enough money for 60%, but 100% can do. One extra attack can give you around 6 more damage at that level. More you level, the damage you get is higher.

5.Some of you may want to use bronze or steel arrows for more damage. It will help you only if you don't use soul arrows. I used to think that soul arrow works with those arrows since the damage is shown in the stats screen. After had some experiments, I came to the conclusion that these arrows don't work with soul arrow. (I killed a snail and my damage was under my minimum, even if the snails have 0 defenses.)

6.Use jump shooting the most possible. You won't have to stop to kill the monsters, which can save you a lot of time.

7.Using warrior potions and speed potions can make your leveling much faster .
Thanks for reading and have a good time! More useful information to help u level up and make money can be found here:

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