Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Warhammer:A very quick 'New to T4' guide

Thought I'd stick this up there given the amount of posts I've seen from people getting to T4 and struggling..
Why me, why now? well, having played the game for a while - mainly focusing on pugging/soloing with my main (kotbs) - I have levelled a new healer up to T4 around 6 months a go - and a SW this week. Both have been reasonably successful in what they do - and I'm really, really enjoying the SW in particular - even though he's only lvl35 and I'm solo-queuing SC's and soloing in the lakes the majority of the time.
What this guide is probably missing is anything that can help mdps...

Soo on to the first and most important thing... Play to your strengths.
Easy to say, but what does it really mean.? First lets take a tank.. You're tough, right? Wrong!!! You ain't born tough any more - you have to work at it. You can do dps right? Seen it in the forums and everything? Wrong!! to have a hope at doing reasonable dps as a tank you need the RR/Gear for it. Fresh into T4, you havn't a chance. So what can you do? Well, lets think about it.. Guard splits dmg by 50% - one of the most powerful abilities in game.. It's 50% on a lvl32 tank. It's also 50% on a RR80 tank.. Challenge - 30% dmg reduction.. same effect whether you're lvl32 or RR80. Crowd Control. Punts/snares/knockbacks etc... Again, a punt is a punt whether it comes from a lvl32 or a RR80. As we said, you're not gonna do any dmg worth spit - but you can build to be tough enough to get by... So you can stay alive long enough to use your CC effectively and guard. So - for a new tank - use tough/wounds/init/armour tali's. Spend renown points on tough/init. Spec for utility/survivability. Use a shield. Learn when and where to use your CC/debuffs (and when not to). Learn who to guard, where to be and where not to be. Don't lead the charge (you're probably not *that* tough) - but support your side.. /assist your mdps so you're debuffing/snaring their targets. Congratulations - you're now a useful lowbie T4 tank.
So how about other classes then? Well, lets look at RDPS... Should you bother with survivability stats? hell no. You could stack wounds+armour up to the eyeballs and still squish in a gcd vs a choppa assist train. Your strength is dmg from a distance. So build your offensive stats - and stay at distance. Your defence is simply to not get caught. Learn to kite - don't be a drain on your healers, just stay alive to use your dps. So what if you do spend loads of time running away screaming like a girl? The opposition mdps are wasting just as much time chasing you :). So if you're not focusing on survivability stats - where's it going? DPS!!! That's what you do - so do it. You're still not gonna kill much on your own - but while /assisting another player, your dps will swing the balance between him escaping and dropping. Spec for dmg + utility.. As per the above on tanks - a 50% heal-debuff is a 50% heal-debuff whether applied by a lvl32 or a rr80..
Healers? Similar to RDPS.. use positioning/distance for your survivability and build to improve your heals... You see a melee train going for you - run for it! If you don't, you die and they then switch to another target. If you run either they chase you and you're then keeping them busy, stopping them from turning on another player - or they may give up and switch targets - which you are there to heal.. Stick and move....

Second thing is Know your Weaknesses
And just as important - accept them. Simple one this. As a ranged toon, know you're gonna squish if you get caught. Also know you're not necessarily gonna get loads of killblows/damage - expect for average at best in the scoreboards and be happy with it... As a tank - don't expect to do dmg or kill anything. Look at your deaths in the charts - if they are in the low half - you're doing good. Also be wary of having a high chance to be crit.. At first glance, you may look reasonably tough - but you may be getting burst down by chain-crits... Also Armour - capped isn't enough - expect to be debuffed by around 1200 and then have half of the rest of it ignored due to WS. Learn what you can and can't live through and run when you need to.

Thanks for ur reading! Hope to help u and have fun! More useful information to help u level up and make money can be found here:www.mmofuns.com/

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