Friday, May 28, 2010

Bear Shaman Spells in Age of Conan

1. Awakening: The ultimate power of rebirth, this miraculous invocation awakens a single target from death. Requirement: Cannot be used in combat.

2. Blessed Claws: Heals players who attack the targeted enemy, and also increases health regeneration of the caster.

3. Blood Flow
Rank1: Places a powerful healing effect on friendly targets in a cone in front of the caster. It will also place a moderate healing effect on the caster.

Rank2: Places a powerful healing effect on friendly targets in a cone in front of the caster. It will also place a moderate healing effect on the caster.

4. Bolster Life: Increases the maximum health of the caster's team.

5. Claws: Your attack rips open the flesh of your foes making them take bleeding damage over time.

6.Claws of Stone: Grants a small protection against physical attacks which have a chance of cursing the target. Anyone attacking a cursed target has a chance of increasing their ability to withstand attacks. Only one Claw Totem may be active at any time.

7.Crippling Manifestation: Continuously pulses a curse from the caster that will debuff all nearby foes.

8.Divine Shield: Increases the defense rating of the caster's team.

9.Feral Warden: Increases natural health regeneration. Attacks against the caster have a chance of increasing the caster's resistance to physical attacks and increasing damage. Only one Spirit Totem may be active at any time.

10. Fierce Recovery: Instantly heals the caster and any nearby allies. Anyone healed by this spell cannot be affected by another Fierce Recovery spell for one minute.

11. Grizzled Hide: Increases the defense rating of the caster's team.

12.Holy Vengeance: Grants bonus to holy damage to all melee attacks of the casters team.

13. Lacerate: A two-handed blunt attack causing a Damage over time effect on your target.

14. Lycanthropic Bite: Takes a percentage of the melee damage the Bear Shaman does with both normal and combo moves and converts it into healing.
15. Renewal: Rank 1: level 20, mana 117
Rank2: mana 184

16. Resurrection: Brings a single target back to life. Resurrection becomes more potent as the Bear Shaman or Priest of Mitra grows in power, further diminishing the detrimental effects of death.

17. Spirit of the Bear: Infuses the caster with the spirit of the bear, increasing health.

18. Totemic Adrenaline: Grants the caster a very powerful mana and stamina renewing effect. Does not require any mana to cast. Cooldown is 30 min.

19. Ursine Brawl: With a fierce counter attack you break your foes concentration making them miss their target more.

20. Ursine Crush: Briefly stuns all hostile targets in the vicinity of the shaman

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