Friday, August 20, 2010

Tips for Players leveling in ESO

This time I will display you some leveling tips for new players in ESO , if you want to learn something from it , just read it on . Hope helpful for you .

1. You should do some preparation before you barging in, setting up possesor and leaving for the first time in a new area. Make sure to complete all of you treasure quests and high exp quests first. This should give you ample time to "scout" the area you will be running.

2. It's not always best to summon a pet around aggro if you go afk.

3. Try to navigate all the areas with red dots on the radar to notice all monsters your quest monster spawns near.

4. It is better to farm ESO GOLD / spirit / drops from instances than do plain old board quest, but you may really need puzzle pieces or diplo so its up to you.

5. Use the other bboard quests for those monsters surrounding the justice call monster . Also purchase the corresponding wanted list of the secondary monsters from the guards/bounty hunters or whatever they are called in your town.

6. On top of the boardish experience the wanted quests give you, you also get a small amount of reputation to cover the cost the quests. If you broke it down it would be like paying less than 10s per vurtue item (5 rep) .

7. Try to work around the border of an area with monsters so that you can always veer away from the heard and not into them if you find yourself dying often while AOE grinding, This will help you cut back on damage without gaining new aggro.

8. For one player that has a justice call for a white or light green name monster can team up with a lower level player to run behind them pick up the drops for the party while the stronger player is constantly AoE grinding countless badies. Then turn in quests for booty and double exp. Rinse. Repeat until bedtime. Preferably the lower player should have just entered that area and be doing the higher exp quests.

Thanks for reading and good luck to you ! More useful information to help u level up and make money can be found

1 comment:

  1. If you want to checkout the skills and classes in ESO go to
