Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to Complete Task “The Feud” in Runescape US Server

Reward: A task point, blackjack, 15k thieving exp, Desert disguise, 500 rs gold and addy scimitar.

Task Requirement: Level 30 thieving skill, be able to kill level 75 bandits

Item Demand: Shanty Pass, waterskin, at least 1,000 gold and a bucket. Most items could be obtained from local stores. You could also bring food and prayer potions to deal with level 75 bandits.

Talk with Ali Morrisane in Al-kharid to start the task, who is located in the east of gem shop. In the conversation, he will ask you to find his nephew Ali. Ali lives in a small town named Pollnivneach, south-east of Al-kharid. Do not forget to bring waterskin and desert equipment. You have to buy cap and fake beard from Ali Morrisane.

When you arrive at the small town Pollnivneah, you will see the wall and move east to the town. Talk with street urchin for four things. Then go to the southeast of the town; enter into the pub and buy three cups of beer from Ali the barmaid. Talk with drunken Ali, and he will exchange the information for the wine. After drinking beers, he will tell you the missing of nephew may be related with the bandits.

Move toward the west of pub and find the Ali the operator beside a yellow tent. They are Menaphites. Then ask them whether it is possible to stop the war if you help Bandits to return a camel to them. Ask the same question to any bandits and ask the same question. Then go to the middle of town to buy two camels with 1000 rs gold and keep the camel receipts. Give camel receipts to each bandit and you have to attend one group of them. Ali the operator will test you if you want to enter into their group.

First of all, you have to steal things from three villages. The first one is simple; ask suggestions from operator and disturb the villages to steal; find the street urchin and give him 10 golds to disturb one village and steal the village who has arrow in the head; then operator will give you a blackjack which can be used to stun the village and steal things.

The second test is to steal jewelry of the major. Operator will give you the key of major; use cap and fake beard to make a mask; wear it and a pair of gloves; hide behind the big cactus and open the door with key when there are no people. Go upstairs and search the picture above the bed. Enter 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 into a security box from right to left. Return to the operator when you get the jewelry.

The last task is to kill the traitor. Go to kebab for hot sauce; use hot sauce in the camel food; use barrel to pack the brown dung. Return to the pub, a snake charmer will give you a flute and a basket if you put some gold on his pockets. In the west f town, there are some desert snakes. If you play flute on them, they will enter into your basket automatically. Ali the Hag will give a bottle of poison to kill the traitor if you give her the dung and desert snakes.

After returning to pub, you have to add poison to the bear of Traitorous Ali and return to find the operator. After meeting their leader, you decide kill him and he will set out a level 75 NPC to fight. Kill him and then talk to the leader of bandits, who will also release level 75 NPC to kill you. You also have to kill him and talk with the town major. He will be glad for what you have done and tell you something about the Ali Morrisane’s nephew.

At last, return back to Al-kharid to get rewards from Ali Morrisane.

P.S. Players could enjoy 5% off discount if they buy RS Gold through this specific link

Welcome to copy my article, please remain my link!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why Should We Add Points to MP Eater of Priest Skill in Maplestory

Some players may feel puzzled that why I spend the valuable points on this skill: MP eater. They believe that the eaten MP value is not so much and they can use this point on other more important skill. However, I want to say that, the reason priests are so rich is that they can add HP by themselves to attack monsters and save items to supply HP; and the skills of MP eater and MP increase will recover MP and save money for priest.

A. Could magic eater absorb the MP of boss?
When we check the skill resolution, we will find that the invalid skills to bosses will be marked particularly. Here, I will list zakum as an example. Although I am priest, I can also attend battle with dragon. The definition of MP eater is: Absorbs the enemy MP when attacking with Magic skills until the enemy's MP reaches 0. The success rate is 30% and it can make boss drop at most 40% MP. I don’t know whether you noticed your MP value when eat beat, I have the experience of automatically increasing MP when attack zakum with MP eater. It is not the MP recovery skill because the value is too different.

B. Is the MP value of bosses fixed?
Let’s repeat the question I referred in the first question. The success rate is 30% and it can make boss drop at most 40% MP. What is the maximum value? When I beat zakum, the MP value increases automatically; however, if it is absorbed, my increased MP value will be higher. So, this is my second question, is the mp value of bosses fixed?

C. If the MP value of bosses is fixed, how does it vary from?
Bosses also have their own attributes, HP, MP, KB. HP is a dynamic value, or you cannot kill bosses. As to MP, we can have a test for the MP eater about whether this skill could absorb the fixed MP value. But it is a little troublesome. If the value is dynamic, bosses will lose their MP and only depend on physical attack. That must be quite funny.

However, I have to remind you that MP eater has success rate. If you really can absorb MP, do not forget to take items to supply MP because you may need it in MAPLESTORY.

PS: Enjoy 5% free maplestory mesos and 5% off discount through our link

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Discount Activity of Gameim

Recently, Gameim is having discount activity to reward customers again.

Activity 1:

Enjoy 10% free shaiya gold in US server

Enjoy 10% free flyff penya in US Server

Enjoy 3% free rs gold

Activity Two

Enjoy 5% off discount directly to buy from this specific link:

How to Assign Points for Professions in Shaiya

In the normal difficulty mode, when your character reaches level 2, there will be 5 free attribute points for you to assign. The character attribute points are:
STR: Physical attack power and physical attack strength. Warrior and archer need it to increase attacks.
REC: Defense and HP value. The upper limitation of added HP value seems to be 1 attribute point + 5 HP points.
INT: Magic attack. If you only add the INT, you will find that your HP is not enough after level 12.
WIS: Increase the MP upper limitation. Priests mainly assign points in it.
DEX: Dodge and SP value. This is an auxiliary attribute. The higher DEX players have, the higher HP recovery amount players could do for others.
LUC: hit crit

Every profession will improve one attribute point of related profession after upgrading one level, and other attributes do not increase. For example, fighter will increase one point in STR after leveling up; guardian will increase one point in REC after upgrading; assassin will increase one point in DEX; archer’s LUC points increase one after leveling up; mage have INT +1 and priest have WIS +1 after upgrading.

Under normal situation, warriors’ point assignment is REC +2, STR +2 and DEX +1, and it is enough to add DEX to 35. Warriors have the skill of increasing hit rate; then REC +3, STR +2 or REC +2, STR +3; when upgrade to about level 35, the physical defense should be around 115. No matter you do solo or make teach to complete tasks, this warrior is both excellent, though it is a little tired in the premier period.

For fighters, they are mainly three methods to assign points: STR +4, DEX +1; STR +4, REC +1; or STR +3, DEX +1, REC +1. The first one is suitable for players who also play priest, because high DEX could improve the dodge and hit rate; the second method is not recommended; the last one is suitable for players who love playing alone.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Guide of Completing Watchtower Task in Runescape

Difficulty: Medium
Length: long
Requirements: level 14 pharmaceutical, level 14 magic, level 15 theft, level 25 Agility and level 40 mining
To beat level 68 ogre
Needed items: 5k rsgp, nugget, a lighting candle, a death rune, a pickaxe, dragon bones, bat bones, Janger Berry (obtained in task), two ropes, guan leaf (level 3 herb), a bottle to fill water and the mill to grind drug. It is better to take a dragon shield to prevent being sprayed while meeting Blue Dragon. Bring a knife to break the spider webs. After collecting these things, you need to have a few spaces to put items obtained in other tasks.
Task points: 4
Reward: 5,000gp; 15,250 Magic exp; the ability to use level 58 magic to fly to Watchtower and Yanille (if you magic skill points are enough)

As to how to go to Yanille City, you can go to the wharf under F city and take a boat. It takes you 1,280gp to choose to arrive at Port Khazzrd. Then go toward the top left, you will see a grocery store; buy two ropes and go toward the bottom left to reach Yanille City.

Starting point: Watchtower gets close to the Yanille City Door.
Climb to the third floor from the window; talk to watchtower

1. Search the bushes below the tower and get some fingernails or he will ask you to pick an eye patch, a dagger and some armor. Do as what he says.
2. After getting what he wants, go back to talk with watchtower.
3. Go to the first floor and pick a lighting candle; go to #2 to kill a bat and pick the bat bones.
4. Go to position #3 to talk with Og; he will give you a yellow key and ask you to get back his stolen toban's gold. You will see an island #4; tie rope in #5 with branches and talk with Grew, you will get the janger berries on the island.
5. Arrive at #6; talk with toban and give him dragon bone. You will get Relic Part 3. Kill the level 68 Gorad, you can get a tooth; open the box and you will find the toban’s gold.
6. Go to #3; talk with Og; give him toban’s gold; and get Relic Part1.
7. Back to the Watchtower #1 and talk with Watchtower Wizard; give three parts to him, and he will give you an ogre statue. Then you will enter into the Ogre camp.
8. Go to position #8, talk to guard two times and you can move to #9 to pick Rock cake. Do not eat it; go to #10 and give the cake to the two guards so that they can let you go to #11. Pay 20gp to soldiers in broken bridge and answer the puzzle given by level 83 soldier in #12. The answer is death rune. Give him death rune and he will give you scavid map.
9. Go to cave D; talk with scared scaid; he will teach you their language; leave cave and enter into the cave in order (#A, B, C, F); talk with the NPC; answer the correct signal as below:
A. Bidith Tanath - Cur
B. Gor with Cur - Ar
C. Cur Bidith - Ig
E. Tanath Gor - Nod
At #13, you will see two guards; give them a nugget so that they will let you go. Walking along the road, you will reach #14; talk with Mad skavid and get the second crystal; pick several cave nightshades in the cave. Go to #15; apply cave nighthade on the level 83 guard. Walk toward to the north and go out.
10. Return to the starting points and talk with watchtower; fill the bottle with guam leaf, Jangerberries and grinded bat bones. Talk with watchtower again and then he will cast spells on the water.
11. Return to #15 cave; enter into the cave with the same method; use the water in step 10 to kill all shamans. When you kill the last shaman, he will drop the third crystal. Go to the middle island, and use pickaxe to dig the fourth missing crystal.
12. At last, go back to talk with watchtower and put the 4 crystals on the pillar in Runescape buy. The task will be completed when the ceremony begin!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

How to Make Full Use of Magic Crash in Hunting Zakum

Magic Crash is the skill of Crusader – the third job advancement of warrior, and this skill could cancel all buff of enemies in certain rate and disable their abilities of re-buff. The cooling time is one minute and the full level has 100% success rate. Now, let’s talk about it and list zakum as an example.

From the introduction of magic crash, we can know that this skill could prevent enemy to release buff, but it cannot eliminate the released buff. So we have to be cautious to prevent the buff before it appears. The buffs of zakum include super DEF up, super M.DEF Up, Area Recover HP and so on, but we cannot prevent zakum to release other skills such as Fire Pillar and Lightening.

The physical defense of Zakum could release 30 seconds with 45s intervals; while the magic defense could also release 30 seconds with 45s intervals. They are more effective because the magic crash only works for 20 seconds and the cooling time costs 60 seconds. So, we have to make reasonable use of this skill.

We should notice that when zakum is going to hit the stone in his hand, it means that he is going to release enchantment; at this time, your magic crash has no effect to him. In addition, Zakum often release physical and magic enchantments in a round. There is an interval of five seconds between two enchantments, and there is an interval of ten seconds between two rounds. However, we cannot make sure whether physical enchantment comes first or magic enchantment comes first.

The correct time to use magic crash is when the enchantment is released a half or 5 seconds of interval, so that zakum cannot release the next physical enchantment. Although he does the action of hitting stones, he must release magic enchantment after 45 seconds.

Please remember that, if there are no two warriors in the team, do not release two times of magic crash to any enchantment in the first half period; otherwise, the enchantments orders will be disrupted.

P.S. Recently, Igameol is having discount activity for Maplestory players. They can enjoy 5% free mesos the first time they buy maple story mesos on our website

Friday, February 24, 2012

Doubts about berserker in World of Warcraft

Berserker’s major upgrade skills are combat and crit. The primary skills are counterattack, windmill, and ice magic. It never uses AP skills like rest, bonfire, defense, and archery. Today, I want talk about some doubts of berserker.

The main output of the violent war is from two parts: the main hand cut and skill attack. It is 25% chance to hit the deputy completely in current version, which is almost completely unable to reach, what is more, heaping will waste the same crit property which is equally important to berserker. So if the main hand cut is not hit, and your skill is also not hit, you only need to ensure that 8% to hit.

For the output of the melee, there is a property you did not mention besides the hit, it is called precision. Precision affects the goal of your entire output mode. Facing with your dodge and hit, monster cannot parry and withstand attacks from behind, but it can dodge, so you need to heap precision to 26, making the boss-level monster cannot dodge.

The second point, the high level of equipment items will always win. This sentence is said towards the same purpose equipment. PVE and PVP, this two equipments in different functions are not fit it. As you mentioned, if crit hit replaces proficient in the haste, the dps will drop. I think it is impossible, because the equipment’s attribute is not likely to affect the overall situation. As all the properties can be re-equip, it is nothing more than to spend more money. But the main attribute "power" is heaped up slowly, the equipment force of high level of goods must be high, so you must take it off, of course, if there is more suitable equipment for the current talent among the same equipments, you may as well wait for the drop!

Thanks for reading. More information about World of Warcraft, you can pay close intention to my blog.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Analysis of Sagittarius and Skills Bug in Lineage2

After collecting the opinions of several discussion groups and personal experience, I summarized the bugs of Sagittarius skills. It is not meant to compare professions and it is just my personal view.

It costs MP for archery. I am so confused about this setting. Just like the common attack of sword, archery also belongs to common attack. There s no doubt that skills consume MP, but I cannot make sense why archery still costs MP as a common attack?

The skill trigger rate of archery is lower than other weapons. In the late revision, several trigger skills are added, including sub-occupations such as will skills. If we use archery and dagger to attack NPC 100 times, we will find that the archery trigger is only once or twice or even no trigger; however, the trigger times of dagger is more than 10. It is quite strange that the trigger rate of other weapons is higher than the professional weapon of Sagittarius.

The second transfer skills have bigger damage than third transfer skills, and the skill effect is low in turning rate. The second transfer skill Comic Arrow (power 4870) and the third transfer skill Lethal Arrow (power 5132) have the same 150 archery property. However, the damage caused by Lethal Arrow is lower than that of Comic Arrow. What’s more, Lethal Arrow is possible to launch the death attacks, and it has no auxiliary skills. The speed of Lethal Arrow is obviously slower than Comic Arrow and the MP consumption is too large.

Of course, I know other professions also have such problems, so I just want to say something about the Sagittarius skills bugs and some unreasonable settings. I really hope NC could notice these problems and offer better game environment to us. If you have some good suggestions for Sagittarius, please leave your comment here to share with me.

Joanna is one marketing staff of Igameol, which is one of the most popular game service providers to offer safe game golds, powerleveling and game items to online game players.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tips and Guides for Team PVP in Shaiya Battlefield

Strategies and team cooperation are very important to win team battles in Shaiya. Here, I want to share my experience with everyone to summarize how to win the battle.

In every team of five members should and must have only one command. Others should give priority to follow his instruction, because one person’s mind is more centralized than a group of people.

In the battlefield, in addition to the game screen in front of eyes, players should also pay attention to the conversation in the left lower team talk. Follow the instruction of team leader to make sure the tasks of team and the personal goals.

Captain is the most critical in the difficult team mode. If you are the captain of the team, you have to ensure your safety first; if you cannot carry out captain revive, you have to click revive out of team and then give the captain title to other in the front.

When you come across enemies, what you have to do is not rush in front to fight with enemies. You have to consider which ones should be killed firstly and which ones should be kept distance, so that you can find the place or area where is most suitable for you to attack enemies.

It is better to develop the good habit of using potions. After the cooling down of skills, do not hesitate to use potions to recover your HP and MP. There is no perfect player in the Shaiya battlefield. No matter how powerful your equipment is, you can only resist the attack once or twice. So, we should have the consciousness of being killed in the battlefield.

What’s more, if you cannot beat others by power, you can use sharp words to provoke them. If they are too angry, they will argue with you and lose the normal sense. Players cannot waste the 30 seconds lying on ground. You can continue to fight against the enemy in spirit.

At last, we should learn to bear and forgive the mistakes of teammates and learn something from failure. I hope the above tips could be useful to you.

Welcome to copy my article, please remain my link

Joanna is one marketing staff of Igameol, which is one of the most popular game service providers to offer safe game golds, powerleveling and game items to online game players.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Star Wars: The Old Republic Players Popularity Grows Fastest

After the releasing of Star War: The Old Republic, people are all guessing about how much renewal players this game could attract.

During one month of operation, although this game have many problems such as the street dance bug, PVP imbalance bug and the rumor of gay content and so on, this game can be considered as successfully. From the statics of game retailers and the original game platform, there are about 2,000,000 players purchase this game, and it makes SWTOR as the fastest renewal player growing online game.

In addition, the operation of this game also creates a number of extraordinary figures: 40% of the 2 million game clients are sold through original game platform; it has 1,700,000 active renewal players and there are at most one million players online at the same time at peak periods; the average daily online time of players are four hours.

The total online time of all players exceeds 239million hours, which equals to 332,000 months or 27000 years. All players killed more than 20 billion NPCs, and cost altogether 148 billion credits.

In the official answer session of telephone conference with EA CEO John Riccitiello, EA official staff revealed that there will be a larger update patch of SWTOR, which will be released in March. What’s more, it will add the market investment and expand it to the global markets. This game will be online in Australia on March and the marketing plan in Asia will be announced in the future.

Indeed, “Star Wars: The Old Republic” cost EA a lot money from its early stage of development till now, and people are also guessing how much profits EA could make from this game. If SWTOR has 500,000 players, they can earn back the cost; when the players number reaches 1 million, they can get certain profit; however, in fact, players number in still increasing continuously and it really brought very profitable return for EA.


Monday, February 20, 2012

How to Assign Points and Make Mesos for Fire Poison Magician in Maplestory

As we all know, magician is a powerful profession in most online games, but their body is so weak comparing with their wisdom. It is also true in Maplestory. Here, I will introduce how to assign points for fire poison magician to make them stronger and make more mesos.

When you create your characters, you have to roll dices to assign the ability points. The most ideal situation is DEX +4, STR +4 and Luck +4. It is enough to have DEX +4 and STR +4 because most magician players add ability points to both luck and INT, and it is more convenient for them to change high level equipment.

The combination of luck and INT ability points assignment is to INT +4 and Luck +1. In fact, if the luck points are three points higher than the level, players could equip the weapons of equal level. When you reach level 100, you can give up adding luck points considering the equipment factor. The whole INT points assignment is only to add INT points without any luck.

The most popular points assignment is the combination of luck and INT. Players are not limited by the luck requirements of various equipments and they can change their favorite magician equipment. In principle, I still recommend this method, because it is easier for players to have good defense and use their favorite equipment. You are also an excellent if you add points to both luck and INT.

If magicians choose to add points to whole INT, they have fewer choices in the equipment. Whole INT magicians have high INT, so they have big advantages in the MP volume and their own magic. In the later development, the whole INT magician with level 130 attribute stave will be much stronger.

Attribute staves are the most important elements for magicians. In fact, attribute staves are rare and they are really very expensive, and I think most magicians cannot bear it. So, when you choose to be a whole INT magician, you should also consider your economic ability.

Is it necessary for high level magician to re-assign their ability points? I think it is not necessary. It is also a kind of advantage to wear the equipment of common luck requirement. You are strong enough after getting attribute slaves.

Link: (5% off discount if you buy through this link)
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Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to Be Excellent Archers in Cabal and Make More Cabal Alz

If you are new to Cabal Online, I think you’d better look at my guide below because I will teach you the necessary tips to become strong archers from the newbie and there is no doubt that you can make much cabal alz if you’d like.

Archers attack monsters with their skills all the way and it can be regarded as magic attack. As to the points distribution after upgrading, you’d better follow the upgrading conditions in the head. Archers could be equipped with two star grains; no matter which one you equip on which arm, the damage of them is doubled. When you summon the star grain, what shows is the one equipped on your left hand.

When you change your equipments, you have to arrange the ability points according to the needs of priority armors, and weapons could be considered later. For archers, they can obviously feel the increase in defense. The +1 requirements of equipment are increasing with levels. The +1 requirements of archers are power +2, intelligence +6, and agility +3. The whole demand is 11 points. That is to say, players should upgrade 3 levels if they want to get equipment +1. Do not be lazy. Be patient to complete your tasks, because players have to complete all tasks on level 50 so that they can move to new maps.

As to the aspect of skills, there are also some advices. It is enough to upgrade all skills to level 9, because the cooling time is the shortest. After level 10, every upgrade costs two points and I will not suggest you to do so. Magic is the main attack method of archers, so players have to learn at least three attack skills. Although archers do not have high defense, but its dodge rate is good. Do not rely on skills to recover hp, and it is more practical and quick to take drugs. After you learn the arrow properties, you are suggested to learn wind arrow skills because its attack is quite high.

What’s more, when you update your skills, please choose the one with maximum HP because archers’ HP drops easily.

Link: (Get 5% off discount to buy cabal alz here)
Welcome to copy my article, please remain my link!

Friday, February 17, 2012

How to Win Dragon Nest PVP Captain Model and Make DN Gold

There are many posts which teach players to win PVP and win DN gold among different professions, but I think it is difficult to find the strategies to tell about team PVP model. Here I would like to share my experience about team model.

In my opinion, team model is to protect our captain and kill others’ captain. You may think it is easy; however, it is not the same as you imagine when you go into the model. So, the most direct problem is how to defeat the captain.

First of all, exp is very important because the higher experience you have, the stronger you are to protect your captain. Under common situation, Paladin will accelerate speed to catch the enemy’s captain. So, it is better to have two paladins in one team so that they can have the 15 seconds to speed up all team members to catch the captain. The second method is: the two paladins go to catch the opposite captain and one player left to protect their own captain. If all members go out, captain will be left alone and is very easy to be attacked.

If your opposite team chooses the above method, what should you do to win the battle? If they speed up to catch you captain, he can also choose to speed up to avoid the attack, or to resist the attack with teammates. When the enemy is tired or run out of energy, it is the best chance to fight back and win the battle.

So, it is also important to choose the captain of what profession: if you want to keep your captain safe, the captain should have high HP volume or have professional priest to add hp for him; if you only want to avoid attack, the captain could be a paladin; if you want to fight back, you can choose warrior as your team captain to lead you kill enemies.

If you win the team PVP, I think you could get some Dragon Nest Gold as rewards and become famous.

Joanna is one marketing staff of Igameol, who knows how to make Dragon Nestgold. Every new customer could enjoy 5% free gold the first time they buy game golds, powerleveling and game items on Igameol. 


Friday, February 10, 2012

Why Can Not Buy Game Gold with Paypal?

What Problem I Often Come Across in My work

As you know, I am one of the marketing staff of Gameim – Game Service Provider. Since I start my work from November 2011, I have worked for nearly three months. I have come across various strangers, potential customers and customers. I know it is difficult to convince other to trust me, to trust my website to buy game golds such as rsgp, swtor credits, mesos and so on.

But there are also some kind-hearted customers who often support my work. They are kind, generous and never blame me for my mistakes. Here, I’d like to share my working experience with you.

Recently, I send letters to the customers with uncompleted orders. One of them said he did not pay the order because of the problems in payment method. He hoped to pay with paypal; however, it did not work for some reason. To solve this problem, I consulted our customer service. She told me that if customers cannot use paypal, they can directly choose pay through credit card, enter the information of credit card on the paypal page and it also works. I told the customer as what customer service said. It really works, because our website supports visa, mastercard, moneybooker, western union and so on. After checked his payment in seconds, we deliver golds to him within 5 minutes since we have rsgp in full stock at that moment.

In fact, I often come across customers who have payment problems although they really hope to buy on our website. When they have such problems, they may give up the order and turn to other websites. Under this circumstance, I really hope they can contact our customer service (to click “live chat” in the homepage) or contact me directly so that we can make a deal.

P.S. : Since I am marketing staff, I would like to share a link with everyone so that they can get privileged discount when they buy on our website.




Sunday, February 5, 2012

What Websites Are Reliable to Buy RS Gold

In the game world, RS Gold is also important because we can use it to buy equipment, medicines, or mount to satisfy our requirements in the game. When the RS golds we make cannot meet what we need, we only turn to buy them from others. What kinds of websites are the most perfect for us to choose?

1. Complete safety: It is horrible to get your account banned after you paid the money. So, safety is the most important. To ensure the safety of customers, gameim often deliver golds in several times with different accounts. If it is our fault to cause the account banned, it is possible for us to compensate the loss of customers.

2. Fast delivery: Sometimes, players hope to get full stock when they attend a battle, because battle often costs a lot of game gold. At this time, they hope to find a website which can provide quick delivery. Under this circumstance, customers should not too hurry to make the order. It is better to consult the customer service about their stock: if they have enough golds in stock, you can make an order and they will promise to deliver goods to you; if they do not have that in stock, you can choose to turn to another website or make a pre-order so that they can get goods from suppliers quickly. It also avoids the impatience of customers and helps to win the trust of customers.

3. Cheap price: In fact, players are willing to spend money on the game because they love games and think they are deserved. However, cheaper prices are more attractive. In comparison with websites of same safety and same delivery speed, cheaper prices often win favors of many customers.

4. Caring service: Customers are gods. Every customer hopes to enjoy the caring service when they buy goods. It should be convenient to contact customer service and customers do not like to be ignored. The quick reply of customer service, useful support and regular after-sales feedback are important factors to comfort customers.

As one marketing staff of gameim, I am always proud of it, for it always serves customers with the best attitude. There are many complaints of our company in the website. We do not deny we still need to work hard to meet the requirements of every customer; we hope to get the support and understanding of customers to make our company grow up. However, it is shameful for competitors to abuse us with unfair methods. A repeated slander makes others believe. No matter what others say, action speaks louder than words. Why not come here and have a try? You will have the right to comment on our website.

P.S.: This is Dora’s specific link to help customers get 5% off discount Feel free to contact Dora by MSN: or YIM: It is my pleasure to serve you.