We all know that leveling is very important in a game, so getting the way of how to level is very important. The following tips are very useful:
1. Some preparation should be done before you barging in, setting up possesor and leaving for the first time in a new area. Make sure to complete all of you treasure quests and high exp quests first. This should give you ample time to "scout" the area you will be running.
2. It's not always best to summon a pet around aggro if you go afk.
3. Try to navigate all the areas with red dots on the radar to notice all monsters your quest monster spawns near.
4. Use the other board quests for those monsters surrounding the justice call . Also purchase the corresponding wanted list of the secondary monsters from the guards/bounty hunters or whatever they are called in your town.
5. Try to work around the border of an area with monsters so that you can always veer away from the heard and not into them if you find yourself dying often while AOE grinding, This will help you cut back on damage without gaining new aggro.
6. For one player that has a justice call for a white or light green name monster can team up with a lower level player to run behind them pick up the drops for the party while the stronger player is constantly AoE grinding countless badies. Then turn in quests for booty and double exp. Rinse. Repeat until bedtime. Preferably the lower player should have just entered that area and be doing the higher exp quests.
Although the above experiences are just borrowed from others, but I put them into effect. They are really useful.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
[Article]The Love Pet in Dream of Mirror
The Love Pet, also known as the Lily Pet, is considered the rarest of the original six pets. The Love pet's skills focus on increasing the strength of the owner of the pet. The Love pet has the second best magic attack, magic defense and MP, after the Ruby Pet, and also has the second best evasion, after the Jade Pet. The Love pet has the second worst HP, physical defense and physical attack. It is one of two unmountable pets in the final evolution stage, the other being the Jade pet.
Level 1 - Power Nap: The pet goes to sleep and slowly restores HP and MP, can be used by using the Special Skill command
Level 6 - Budding Ray: An attack that deals non-elemental physical damage.
Level 11 - Love Beam: A skill that increases the chance the target will attack the pet, can be used by using the Special Skill command
Level 18 - Endearing Dance: An ability that decreases the target's attack and movement speed by 30% for 35 seconds
Level 25 - Loving Smile/Loving Kiss(Changes name when Evo 2): An ability that increases the owners damage (magical and physical) by 7% for 30 seconds
Level 36 - Loving Voice: An ability that increases the owner's MP regeneration by 6 for 30 seconds.
Level 61 - Heavenly Voice: A special ability that triggers an AoE, followed by a 1 minute party buff that reduces all damage received and increases recovery of both HP and MP. Special Skill (from the Pet menu, or by typing /petspecial). Pet does not attack or move while buff is running. Can be used once per minute.
Level 1 - Power Nap: The pet goes to sleep and slowly restores HP and MP, can be used by using the Special Skill command
Level 6 - Budding Ray: An attack that deals non-elemental physical damage.
Level 11 - Love Beam: A skill that increases the chance the target will attack the pet, can be used by using the Special Skill command
Level 18 - Endearing Dance: An ability that decreases the target's attack and movement speed by 30% for 35 seconds
Level 25 - Loving Smile/Loving Kiss(Changes name when Evo 2): An ability that increases the owners damage (magical and physical) by 7% for 30 seconds
Level 36 - Loving Voice: An ability that increases the owner's MP regeneration by 6 for 30 seconds.
Level 61 - Heavenly Voice: A special ability that triggers an AoE, followed by a 1 minute party buff that reduces all damage received and increases recovery of both HP and MP. Special Skill (from the Pet menu, or by typing /petspecial). Pet does not attack or move while buff is running. Can be used once per minute.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Sacred Animal System in 12Sky
Pets are allowed in the game 12Sky, and the system in 12Sky are called Sacred Animal System.
Godly Demon Bird
Features: Increased Damage
Once tamed, this animal remains loyal to you. It has the ability to increase your damage in a battle. At first it looks like a tiny kestrel but it changes its shape and improves its skills as it grows. Although it’s always faithful to you, it won’t be able to fight unless you feed it Heavenly Spirit Fruit. You can obtain Godly Demon Bird from all monsters.
Butterfly Spirit
Features: Increased Defense
Butterfly Spirit is a mysterious butterfly that has the sacred power to increase your defense in a battle. At first it looks like a tiny blue butterfly, but it changes its shape as it improves skills. Although it’s always faithful to you, it won’t be able to fight unless you feed it Heavenly Spirit Fruit. You can obtain Butterfly Spirit from all monsters.
Glowing Spirit
Features: Increased HP + Survival Rate
This sacred animal called Glowing Spirit has a unique shape and special abilities. It increases your HP and increases your chance of survival during a battle. At first it looks like a tiny skull, but it grows to have a strange shape. Unlike other sacred animals, you don’t have to feed Glowing Spirit to maintain its abilities. But like other sacred animals, it cannot pick up items or grow while it remains inactive. You can obtain Glowing Spirit from all monsters.
Enlightened Statue
Features: Increased Damage + HP
Enlightened Statue is said to react to the energy of the owner and it appears in the form of a statue around the owner. It has mysterious powers that enable the owner to have mighty power enough to shake the earth and sky, while also making the owner invincible. Enlightened Statue represents someone who was “enlightened slowly”. As the name suggests, only the enlightened people can control the sacred animal. It has some will power of its own, and becomes active by absorbing the spiritual energy of Heavenly Spirit Fruit.
Protection Diamond
Features: Increased Defense + HP
As its name suggests, Protection Diamond protects the owner. Protection Diamond can change its shape and color according to the owner’s energy level, and it is said that the owner of Protection Diamond can have a nearly indestructible body. Although it’s not a living creature, it still has to absorb the spiritual energy of Heavenly Spirit Fruit since it’s more like a spirit left by wise men.
Heavenly Dragon
Features: Increased Damage + Defense
Legend has it that this sacred animal is a descendant of the ancient Dragon King. It may look like it’s hard to tame, but it’s gentle by nature and faithful to its master. It is said that it has a strong ego and wisdom, and it always helps its master by giving advice on martial arts. Noble by nature, Heavenly Dragon is generally modest. However, unlike its ancestor, it’s not a perfect being and has to consume Heavenly Spirit Fruit to stay active.
Bat Of Integrity
Features: Increased Damage + Defense + HP
Bat Of Integrity increases your damage, defense, and HP at the cost of Heavenly Spirit Fruit mixed with the blood of someone with powerful energy. People say that it's as fast as wind, and the rumor has it that it acts as a spiritual medium for the God of Wind. That's why martial artists started calling it Bat Of Integrity. Although it's very faithful to its master, you still have to feed it Heavenly Spirit Fruit. It becomes unable to fight unless you feed it.
The above information are collected to benefit those who would like to choose a pet in 12Sky. That’s it.
Godly Demon Bird
Features: Increased Damage
Once tamed, this animal remains loyal to you. It has the ability to increase your damage in a battle. At first it looks like a tiny kestrel but it changes its shape and improves its skills as it grows. Although it’s always faithful to you, it won’t be able to fight unless you feed it Heavenly Spirit Fruit. You can obtain Godly Demon Bird from all monsters.
Butterfly Spirit
Features: Increased Defense
Butterfly Spirit is a mysterious butterfly that has the sacred power to increase your defense in a battle. At first it looks like a tiny blue butterfly, but it changes its shape as it improves skills. Although it’s always faithful to you, it won’t be able to fight unless you feed it Heavenly Spirit Fruit. You can obtain Butterfly Spirit from all monsters.
Glowing Spirit
Features: Increased HP + Survival Rate
This sacred animal called Glowing Spirit has a unique shape and special abilities. It increases your HP and increases your chance of survival during a battle. At first it looks like a tiny skull, but it grows to have a strange shape. Unlike other sacred animals, you don’t have to feed Glowing Spirit to maintain its abilities. But like other sacred animals, it cannot pick up items or grow while it remains inactive. You can obtain Glowing Spirit from all monsters.
Enlightened Statue
Features: Increased Damage + HP
Enlightened Statue is said to react to the energy of the owner and it appears in the form of a statue around the owner. It has mysterious powers that enable the owner to have mighty power enough to shake the earth and sky, while also making the owner invincible. Enlightened Statue represents someone who was “enlightened slowly”. As the name suggests, only the enlightened people can control the sacred animal. It has some will power of its own, and becomes active by absorbing the spiritual energy of Heavenly Spirit Fruit.
Protection Diamond
Features: Increased Defense + HP
As its name suggests, Protection Diamond protects the owner. Protection Diamond can change its shape and color according to the owner’s energy level, and it is said that the owner of Protection Diamond can have a nearly indestructible body. Although it’s not a living creature, it still has to absorb the spiritual energy of Heavenly Spirit Fruit since it’s more like a spirit left by wise men.
Heavenly Dragon
Features: Increased Damage + Defense
Legend has it that this sacred animal is a descendant of the ancient Dragon King. It may look like it’s hard to tame, but it’s gentle by nature and faithful to its master. It is said that it has a strong ego and wisdom, and it always helps its master by giving advice on martial arts. Noble by nature, Heavenly Dragon is generally modest. However, unlike its ancestor, it’s not a perfect being and has to consume Heavenly Spirit Fruit to stay active.
Bat Of Integrity
Features: Increased Damage + Defense + HP
Bat Of Integrity increases your damage, defense, and HP at the cost of Heavenly Spirit Fruit mixed with the blood of someone with powerful energy. People say that it's as fast as wind, and the rumor has it that it acts as a spiritual medium for the God of Wind. That's why martial artists started calling it Bat Of Integrity. Although it's very faithful to its master, you still have to feed it Heavenly Spirit Fruit. It becomes unable to fight unless you feed it.
The above information are collected to benefit those who would like to choose a pet in 12Sky. That’s it.
Skills of Double Blade and Katana in 12sky
Here I would like to share some information about skills of double blade and katana in 12sky with all of you. And I hope you will enjoy it.
Fujin Attack Skills. Double Blade (Defence Oriented). Fluttering Blossom (Single-Hit).
Chinese Name: Cherry Blossom Kill.
Skill Points 1-40. Chi Consumption 69-137.
Damage 134%-310%. Shadow (Yin) Damage 101%-110%. Range 1 meters.
Demon King's Fist (Multi-Hit, 5 hits).
Chinese Name: Moon Glow Chaotic Dance.
Skill Points 1-40. Chi Consumption 221-432.
Damage 553%-1468%. Shadow (Yin) Damage 101%-110%. Range 1 meters.
Katana (Attack Oriented). Black Thunder (Single-Hit).
Chinese Name: Lone Moon Execution.
Skill Points 1-40. Chi Consumption 84-165.
Damage 140%-324%. Shadow (Yin) Damage 101%-110%. Range 2 meters.
Dark Fist (Multi-Hit, 4 hits).
Chinese Name: Heaven Slaughter Ashura Execution.
Skill Points 1-40. Chi Consumption 207-404.
Damage 452%-1199%. Shadow (Yin) Damage 101%-110%. Range 2 meters.
Fujin Attack Skills. Double Blade (Defence Oriented). Fluttering Blossom (Single-Hit).
Chinese Name: Cherry Blossom Kill.
Skill Points 1-40. Chi Consumption 69-137.
Damage 134%-310%. Shadow (Yin) Damage 101%-110%. Range 1 meters.
Demon King's Fist (Multi-Hit, 5 hits).
Chinese Name: Moon Glow Chaotic Dance.
Skill Points 1-40. Chi Consumption 221-432.
Damage 553%-1468%. Shadow (Yin) Damage 101%-110%. Range 1 meters.
Katana (Attack Oriented). Black Thunder (Single-Hit).
Chinese Name: Lone Moon Execution.
Skill Points 1-40. Chi Consumption 84-165.
Damage 140%-324%. Shadow (Yin) Damage 101%-110%. Range 2 meters.
Dark Fist (Multi-Hit, 4 hits).
Chinese Name: Heaven Slaughter Ashura Execution.
Skill Points 1-40. Chi Consumption 207-404.
Damage 452%-1199%. Shadow (Yin) Damage 101%-110%. Range 2 meters.
Bear Shaman Spells in Age of Conan
1. Awakening: The ultimate power of rebirth, this miraculous invocation awakens a single target from death. Requirement: Cannot be used in combat.
2. Blessed Claws: Heals players who attack the targeted enemy, and also increases health regeneration of the caster.
3. Blood Flow
Rank1: Places a powerful healing effect on friendly targets in a cone in front of the caster. It will also place a moderate healing effect on the caster.
Rank2: Places a powerful healing effect on friendly targets in a cone in front of the caster. It will also place a moderate healing effect on the caster.
4. Bolster Life: Increases the maximum health of the caster's team.
5. Claws: Your attack rips open the flesh of your foes making them take bleeding damage over time.
6.Claws of Stone: Grants a small protection against physical attacks which have a chance of cursing the target. Anyone attacking a cursed target has a chance of increasing their ability to withstand attacks. Only one Claw Totem may be active at any time.
7.Crippling Manifestation: Continuously pulses a curse from the caster that will debuff all nearby foes.
8.Divine Shield: Increases the defense rating of the caster's team.
9.Feral Warden: Increases natural health regeneration. Attacks against the caster have a chance of increasing the caster's resistance to physical attacks and increasing damage. Only one Spirit Totem may be active at any time.
10. Fierce Recovery: Instantly heals the caster and any nearby allies. Anyone healed by this spell cannot be affected by another Fierce Recovery spell for one minute.
11. Grizzled Hide: Increases the defense rating of the caster's team.
12.Holy Vengeance: Grants bonus to holy damage to all melee attacks of the casters team.
13. Lacerate: A two-handed blunt attack causing a Damage over time effect on your target.
14. Lycanthropic Bite: Takes a percentage of the melee damage the Bear Shaman does with both normal and combo moves and converts it into healing.
15. Renewal: Rank 1: level 20, mana 117
Rank2: mana 184
16. Resurrection: Brings a single target back to life. Resurrection becomes more potent as the Bear Shaman or Priest of Mitra grows in power, further diminishing the detrimental effects of death.
17. Spirit of the Bear: Infuses the caster with the spirit of the bear, increasing health.
18. Totemic Adrenaline: Grants the caster a very powerful mana and stamina renewing effect. Does not require any mana to cast. Cooldown is 30 min.
19. Ursine Brawl: With a fierce counter attack you break your foes concentration making them miss their target more.
20. Ursine Crush: Briefly stuns all hostile targets in the vicinity of the shaman
2. Blessed Claws: Heals players who attack the targeted enemy, and also increases health regeneration of the caster.
3. Blood Flow
Rank1: Places a powerful healing effect on friendly targets in a cone in front of the caster. It will also place a moderate healing effect on the caster.
Rank2: Places a powerful healing effect on friendly targets in a cone in front of the caster. It will also place a moderate healing effect on the caster.
4. Bolster Life: Increases the maximum health of the caster's team.
5. Claws: Your attack rips open the flesh of your foes making them take bleeding damage over time.
6.Claws of Stone: Grants a small protection against physical attacks which have a chance of cursing the target. Anyone attacking a cursed target has a chance of increasing their ability to withstand attacks. Only one Claw Totem may be active at any time.
7.Crippling Manifestation: Continuously pulses a curse from the caster that will debuff all nearby foes.
8.Divine Shield: Increases the defense rating of the caster's team.
9.Feral Warden: Increases natural health regeneration. Attacks against the caster have a chance of increasing the caster's resistance to physical attacks and increasing damage. Only one Spirit Totem may be active at any time.
10. Fierce Recovery: Instantly heals the caster and any nearby allies. Anyone healed by this spell cannot be affected by another Fierce Recovery spell for one minute.
11. Grizzled Hide: Increases the defense rating of the caster's team.
12.Holy Vengeance: Grants bonus to holy damage to all melee attacks of the casters team.
13. Lacerate: A two-handed blunt attack causing a Damage over time effect on your target.
14. Lycanthropic Bite: Takes a percentage of the melee damage the Bear Shaman does with both normal and combo moves and converts it into healing.
15. Renewal: Rank 1: level 20, mana 117
Rank2: mana 184
16. Resurrection: Brings a single target back to life. Resurrection becomes more potent as the Bear Shaman or Priest of Mitra grows in power, further diminishing the detrimental effects of death.
17. Spirit of the Bear: Infuses the caster with the spirit of the bear, increasing health.
18. Totemic Adrenaline: Grants the caster a very powerful mana and stamina renewing effect. Does not require any mana to cast. Cooldown is 30 min.
19. Ursine Brawl: With a fierce counter attack you break your foes concentration making them miss their target more.
20. Ursine Crush: Briefly stuns all hostile targets in the vicinity of the shaman
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Martial Arts In 9Dragons
Kung Fu is a martial art that allows the artist to summon one's vital energy to perform feats of combat that are far beyond the capabilities of an untrained warrior. The Kung fu techniques can be included in two groups:
1- Kung Fu skills, which utilize Vital Energy for physical and direct attacks. This group includes the next categories:
- Active Kung Fu. These techniques consist of three moves when mastered, but only one upon completion of your training:
You will be able to perform the first move of the technique as soon as you learn the skill.
When the technique reaches Cheng 3 you will unlock the second move and it will be automatically executed.
When the technique reaches Cheng 5 the third move will be unlocked and automatically executed as you witnessed them during your training.
- Smashing Kung Fu techniques are more powerful than Active Kung Fu techniques. They have specified cooldown times and once you have used them you will then revert to your last Active Kung Fu technique.
- Finishing Kung Fu techniques are the only long range Kung Fu moves available to warriors. Pressing the shortcut key will power up these techniques and once you release the key your charge will be cast. Please note that Finishing Kung Fu techniques cannot be used if the enemy has closed within a certain range.
- To use a Charged Kung Fu technique, press the shortcut key and you will see your Vital Energy flowing as you power up. Once you release the key your charge will be cast. Most Charged Kung Fu techniques require a cooldown period before they can be recast. Some classes may not have chargeable techniques.
2- Chi Kung Skills, which utilize Vital Energy for healing or for long distance attacks, will also gain power and evolve as your Cheng (skill level) increases.
The Chi Kung categories are:
- Rounding Chi Kung techniques, like palm blasts, are favored by Chi Kung users because they can be cast quickly and require little cooldown time.
- Casting Chi Kung techniques, which may be even more powerful than Rounding Chi Kung techniques, take longer to cast and require longer cooldown periods. Pressing the shortcut key will power up these techniques and once you release the key your charge will be cast.
- Channeling Chi Kung techniques generally are cast instantly. Though once begun, the Channeling Chi Kung technique will be cast continuously until it is canceled .
1- Kung Fu skills, which utilize Vital Energy for physical and direct attacks. This group includes the next categories:
- Active Kung Fu. These techniques consist of three moves when mastered, but only one upon completion of your training:
You will be able to perform the first move of the technique as soon as you learn the skill.
When the technique reaches Cheng 3 you will unlock the second move and it will be automatically executed.
When the technique reaches Cheng 5 the third move will be unlocked and automatically executed as you witnessed them during your training.
- Smashing Kung Fu techniques are more powerful than Active Kung Fu techniques. They have specified cooldown times and once you have used them you will then revert to your last Active Kung Fu technique.
- Finishing Kung Fu techniques are the only long range Kung Fu moves available to warriors. Pressing the shortcut key will power up these techniques and once you release the key your charge will be cast. Please note that Finishing Kung Fu techniques cannot be used if the enemy has closed within a certain range.
- To use a Charged Kung Fu technique, press the shortcut key and you will see your Vital Energy flowing as you power up. Once you release the key your charge will be cast. Most Charged Kung Fu techniques require a cooldown period before they can be recast. Some classes may not have chargeable techniques.
2- Chi Kung Skills, which utilize Vital Energy for healing or for long distance attacks, will also gain power and evolve as your Cheng (skill level) increases.
The Chi Kung categories are:
- Rounding Chi Kung techniques, like palm blasts, are favored by Chi Kung users because they can be cast quickly and require little cooldown time.
- Casting Chi Kung techniques, which may be even more powerful than Rounding Chi Kung techniques, take longer to cast and require longer cooldown periods. Pressing the shortcut key will power up these techniques and once you release the key your charge will be cast.
- Channeling Chi Kung techniques generally are cast instantly. Though once begun, the Channeling Chi Kung technique will be cast continuously until it is canceled .
Kung Fu in 9Dragons
Using Kung Fu in 9Dragons is quite simple. Kung Fu attacks can be divided into 3 categories: Active Skills, Charged Attacks, and all other attacks (which include Smashing Skills, Finishers and Chi Kung Skills).
Active Skills
To use an active skill, you must first place it in the Quickslot Bar. Once that it done, you may activate it by left-clicking on that Quickslot. To attack with an active skill, simply double-click the target, or select the target and press the "a" key. You will attack the target with your active skill until either the target dies or you choose another attack.
Smashes, Finishers, and Chi Kung Skills
These skills must be assigned to the Quickslot Bar before they can be used. To use them, simply click the Quickslot. Your character will perform the attack once. If it was a Smashing Skill, your character will proceed to attack using his Active Skill. If it was a Chi Kung Skill, your character will do nothing.
Charged Skills
Charged skills are used the same was as Smashing Skills. The only difference is that the player must click and hold the Quickslot with that skill until they choose to release it. The longer the skill is held, the more damage it will do.
Active Skills
To use an active skill, you must first place it in the Quickslot Bar. Once that it done, you may activate it by left-clicking on that Quickslot. To attack with an active skill, simply double-click the target, or select the target and press the "a" key. You will attack the target with your active skill until either the target dies or you choose another attack.
Smashes, Finishers, and Chi Kung Skills
These skills must be assigned to the Quickslot Bar before they can be used. To use them, simply click the Quickslot. Your character will perform the attack once. If it was a Smashing Skill, your character will proceed to attack using his Active Skill. If it was a Chi Kung Skill, your character will do nothing.
Charged Skills
Charged skills are used the same was as Smashing Skills. The only difference is that the player must click and hold the Quickslot with that skill until they choose to release it. The longer the skill is held, the more damage it will do.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The 6 Characters in 2Moons
Bagi Warrior
The Bagi are not of The Abyss, yet they are not completely of Haran either. Untold centuries ago, the warrior race known as The Bagi was not as they are now. Their battlecraft was as powerful and deadly as any found in Haran. The more skilled a warrior is, the more disciplined, the deeper and more destructive the force he can summon. Abaddon tried to destroy The Bagi with a disease conjured in the bowels of The Abyss. It was meant to corrupt The Bagi, to transform them into Pitborn. And if not for the will of the people, if not for their discipline, it would have succeeded. It was only the force of their will that allowed them to resist a complete corruption.
The Segnale
Pitborn creatures who once held sway over much of The Abyss. Their skills as assassins and healers are sought after by the forces of light and dark alike. Millennia ago, Abaddon’s forces conquered the lands of The Segnale and commanded them to subjugate themselves to his will. They fled to Haran, and though they did not pledge their loyalty to Haran or The White Lady, their hatred for Abaddon burns deep. Their magic is vampiric in nature. “From blood we take, to blood we give,” they say. Some follow the path of the assassin, others the path of the healer. Whichever way they choose, they are some of the most deadly creatures in this world or any other.
The Incar Order
The Incar Order has pledged to uphold the way of The White Lady at any cost. Magicians by trade, The Incar are not a race like The Bagi or The Segnale, but through meditation and diligence, they’ve learned to tap into the energies the Old Ones used before they left this world. The Incar have used their magical might to control nearly every area of Haran that man inhabits. Fire, Ice, Lightning and vast energies are at their command and there are few who canstand against an Incar Loremaster. The magic they use, however, can be used for good or evil. It is only the disposition of the user that determines whether the skills taught by The White Lady are used for good or ill.
The Azure Order
Staunch allies of The Incar, The Azure Order have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of skill in physical combat. Theirs is a tradition that goes back thousands of years, before The Incar Order even existed. For theirs is the way of battle, of discipline, of sacrifice and abnegation. As they honed their skills throughout the ages, there were those of The Azure who were able to transcend mere bladecraft and tap into an internal source of power and unleash energies through the weapons they wield. It is this purity of intent and physical prowess that all Azure seek. They fight for The White Lady and the people of Haran and value fidelity above all else.
The Segita
Hunters, bowmasters, trackers whose skill cannot be matched by any man or beast. The way of The Segita is as old as that of The Azure, for their disciplines were the first to be discovered and honed by the peoples of Haran. The Segita worship nature in all its forms and whatever life they take for their sustenance, they give back in other ways. They fight for the good of Life – the essence of all living things in Haran – and it is from this that they draw what magic they have. Taciturn and lethal, The Segita give their allegiance only to Life and those who would preserve it. Abaddon and The Pitborn are the antithesis of everything The Segita hold dear and they will kill any Pitborn on sight.
The Summoners
The sorcery of The Summoners is culled from the tradition of The Incar and of the older, darker magics of Bonereavers, beasts, Pitborn and demons of other realms. They have no allegiance to anyone but themselves. Even at that, there is no loyalty to each other. The Black Path is the road upon which all Summoners walk. They traffic with evil so that they may dominate it and bend it to their will. Only for their own benefit will they fight. Their powers are vast, but few attain the highest levels because of the demands put upon the soul of the practitioner. Unlike The Incar, Summoners do not separate bladecraft from magic. Proficient in dark magic and battle, they loathed and feared by man and Pitborn alike.
The Bagi are not of The Abyss, yet they are not completely of Haran either. Untold centuries ago, the warrior race known as The Bagi was not as they are now. Their battlecraft was as powerful and deadly as any found in Haran. The more skilled a warrior is, the more disciplined, the deeper and more destructive the force he can summon. Abaddon tried to destroy The Bagi with a disease conjured in the bowels of The Abyss. It was meant to corrupt The Bagi, to transform them into Pitborn. And if not for the will of the people, if not for their discipline, it would have succeeded. It was only the force of their will that allowed them to resist a complete corruption.
The Segnale
Pitborn creatures who once held sway over much of The Abyss. Their skills as assassins and healers are sought after by the forces of light and dark alike. Millennia ago, Abaddon’s forces conquered the lands of The Segnale and commanded them to subjugate themselves to his will. They fled to Haran, and though they did not pledge their loyalty to Haran or The White Lady, their hatred for Abaddon burns deep. Their magic is vampiric in nature. “From blood we take, to blood we give,” they say. Some follow the path of the assassin, others the path of the healer. Whichever way they choose, they are some of the most deadly creatures in this world or any other.
The Incar Order
The Incar Order has pledged to uphold the way of The White Lady at any cost. Magicians by trade, The Incar are not a race like The Bagi or The Segnale, but through meditation and diligence, they’ve learned to tap into the energies the Old Ones used before they left this world. The Incar have used their magical might to control nearly every area of Haran that man inhabits. Fire, Ice, Lightning and vast energies are at their command and there are few who canstand against an Incar Loremaster. The magic they use, however, can be used for good or evil. It is only the disposition of the user that determines whether the skills taught by The White Lady are used for good or ill.
The Azure Order
Staunch allies of The Incar, The Azure Order have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of skill in physical combat. Theirs is a tradition that goes back thousands of years, before The Incar Order even existed. For theirs is the way of battle, of discipline, of sacrifice and abnegation. As they honed their skills throughout the ages, there were those of The Azure who were able to transcend mere bladecraft and tap into an internal source of power and unleash energies through the weapons they wield. It is this purity of intent and physical prowess that all Azure seek. They fight for The White Lady and the people of Haran and value fidelity above all else.
The Segita
Hunters, bowmasters, trackers whose skill cannot be matched by any man or beast. The way of The Segita is as old as that of The Azure, for their disciplines were the first to be discovered and honed by the peoples of Haran. The Segita worship nature in all its forms and whatever life they take for their sustenance, they give back in other ways. They fight for the good of Life – the essence of all living things in Haran – and it is from this that they draw what magic they have. Taciturn and lethal, The Segita give their allegiance only to Life and those who would preserve it. Abaddon and The Pitborn are the antithesis of everything The Segita hold dear and they will kill any Pitborn on sight.
The Summoners
The sorcery of The Summoners is culled from the tradition of The Incar and of the older, darker magics of Bonereavers, beasts, Pitborn and demons of other realms. They have no allegiance to anyone but themselves. Even at that, there is no loyalty to each other. The Black Path is the road upon which all Summoners walk. They traffic with evil so that they may dominate it and bend it to their will. Only for their own benefit will they fight. Their powers are vast, but few attain the highest levels because of the demands put upon the soul of the practitioner. Unlike The Incar, Summoners do not separate bladecraft from magic. Proficient in dark magic and battle, they loathed and feared by man and Pitborn alike.
Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck is an American actor, film director, writer, and producer. He became known in the mid 1990s after his involvement in the film Mallrats (1995), and later played the lead role in Chasing Amy in 1997. Affleck has since become an Academy Award winner for his screenplay in Good Will Hunting in 1997. He has established himself as a Hollywood leading man, having starred in several big budget films, such as Armageddon (1998), Pearl Harbor (2001), Changing Lanes (2002), The Sum of All Fears (2002) and Daredevil (2003).
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
[News] DFO Will Be Launched in North American On June
The North American official website of 2D action online game Dungeon Fighter Online announced on May 25th that DFO will be formally launched on June 9th. At that time, game mall will be open and a lot of game contents will be added in it.
[News] DFO Will Be Launched in North American On June
The North American official website of 2D action online game Dungeon Fighter Online announced on May 25th that DFO will be formally launched on June 9th. At that time, game mall will be open and a lot of game contents will be added in it.
General Weapons In Azuga Online
Azuga Online is a special MMORPG for it has no classification on classes. Players are differentiated later by their rank, weapons they use, and inherited skill levels. So, weapons are important in differentiating players. Here I would like to introduce the weapons for classification.
1. Spears
Spears combine the advantage of both a short- range and long- range attack weapon. It is suitable for starting players as well as advanced players. This is the most dangerous weapons you can have. A spear was one of the most powerful arms in Kung- fu.
2. Fists
If you prefer hand-to-hand combat, Azuga offers you lots of chances. You can use your fists to deliver the highest damage hits in the game. The only downside is that hand to hand combat naturally has the shortest range attacks
3. Hidden Weapons
Hidden weapons is famous for its short range attacks. They can deliver continuous poison damage making them effective at harming multiple enemies at the same time. The players with hidden weapons can use their speed to attack many enemies in a short range. Their added speed and agility also provides them the ability to dodge short- range attack from monsters as well. You can get hidden weapons to protect yourself.
4. Swords
In ancient cultures, regardless whether they were in the east or west, the sword is considered as the weapon of nobility. It has great attack power within a short range. Players can use a sword to try to deliver critical damage. Death by a single strike is the mantra of great swordsmen. However, it is a long long journey to become a successful swordsman. Players need to train their swordsmanship skills and upgrade their level so that they can eventually hope to become a great swordsman.
5. Bows
A bow is used for long-range attacks against distant enemies. It’s especially suitable for fighting in guild battles. While your guild members use fists and bladed weapons to fight with opponents close up, you can help them with your bow in the rear to deal devastating damage to enemies from behind. Of course, a bow can also help you deliver short range attack damage, but you need to pay close attention to your targeting accuracy. The bow is not as quick or effective at a close ranged weapon even with close ranged bow skills.
6. Sabres
Compared with a sword, a sabre is thicker and heavier, but it can be used for chopping and slashing as well. These powerful sabres are made of iron or steel, and their sturdiness assures that a blow will deal great damage. The rate of attack using sabre is slower than sword in exchange for a deeper and more damaging hit. In addition, they should be strong and stable in order to deliver the full force of their blows onto their enemies.
Is it amazing? The above are all typical Chinese weapons and full of history. Just go into the game to enjoy the excitement of those ancient weapons!
1. Spears
Spears combine the advantage of both a short- range and long- range attack weapon. It is suitable for starting players as well as advanced players. This is the most dangerous weapons you can have. A spear was one of the most powerful arms in Kung- fu.
2. Fists
If you prefer hand-to-hand combat, Azuga offers you lots of chances. You can use your fists to deliver the highest damage hits in the game. The only downside is that hand to hand combat naturally has the shortest range attacks
3. Hidden Weapons
Hidden weapons is famous for its short range attacks. They can deliver continuous poison damage making them effective at harming multiple enemies at the same time. The players with hidden weapons can use their speed to attack many enemies in a short range. Their added speed and agility also provides them the ability to dodge short- range attack from monsters as well. You can get hidden weapons to protect yourself.
4. Swords
In ancient cultures, regardless whether they were in the east or west, the sword is considered as the weapon of nobility. It has great attack power within a short range. Players can use a sword to try to deliver critical damage. Death by a single strike is the mantra of great swordsmen. However, it is a long long journey to become a successful swordsman. Players need to train their swordsmanship skills and upgrade their level so that they can eventually hope to become a great swordsman.
5. Bows
A bow is used for long-range attacks against distant enemies. It’s especially suitable for fighting in guild battles. While your guild members use fists and bladed weapons to fight with opponents close up, you can help them with your bow in the rear to deal devastating damage to enemies from behind. Of course, a bow can also help you deliver short range attack damage, but you need to pay close attention to your targeting accuracy. The bow is not as quick or effective at a close ranged weapon even with close ranged bow skills.
6. Sabres
Compared with a sword, a sabre is thicker and heavier, but it can be used for chopping and slashing as well. These powerful sabres are made of iron or steel, and their sturdiness assures that a blow will deal great damage. The rate of attack using sabre is slower than sword in exchange for a deeper and more damaging hit. In addition, they should be strong and stable in order to deliver the full force of their blows onto their enemies.
Is it amazing? The above are all typical Chinese weapons and full of history. Just go into the game to enjoy the excitement of those ancient weapons!
Monday, May 24, 2010
[News] The American Server of DFO Will Update Female Gunners
Some Tips for Spells in Dofus
Today, I would like to give some tips for players of Dofus to pay attention to some skills they may come across in lower levels.
Bramble (Level 1): This is the main attack, and it is very convenient for you to get it at level 1. When you reached level 5, do not level any other spell. This skill requires LoS and hits quite nicely with decent range.
Earthquake (Level 1): I could only say thatthis spell is worthless. This skill is used only when you have 2AP left, and your enemy has less than 8hp. You cast this, and everyone on the map loses a very small chunk of hp at the start of their turn.
The Maddoll (Level 1): This one is controversial. It works in the lower levels, but usually keeping it at level 1 is enough. Basically what you got is a doll with no HP or IQ that toddles around either casting a really crappy unbewitchment, -1 AP, or -1 MP on an enemy. Level 3 takes 2 ap/mp off, level 5 takes 3. You will regret leveling this early, though, because much better spells are on the way.
Paralyzing Poison (Level 3): Another worthless spell. Just do not touch it.
Tear (Level 6): The damage caused by this spell is awesome, and you may think that it is not too late to switch to an Enudida. This spell is too bad. Use it at level one for as long as it does more damage than Bramble, but as soon as Bramble gets better, never touch it again.
The Block (Level 9): So here is a doll that wobbles toward your enemy, and has crazy high AGI to stop them from winning the dodge roll. Just stands in front of your enemy so he can not hit you. The only time you will use it is in low levels, while praying that the enemy attacks it instead of you so that you can run away.
So, the above spells are only recommended to be used in lower class. When you levels up, stop using it right now.
Bramble (Level 1): This is the main attack, and it is very convenient for you to get it at level 1. When you reached level 5, do not level any other spell. This skill requires LoS and hits quite nicely with decent range.
Earthquake (Level 1): I could only say thatthis spell is worthless. This skill is used only when you have 2AP left, and your enemy has less than 8hp. You cast this, and everyone on the map loses a very small chunk of hp at the start of their turn.
The Maddoll (Level 1): This one is controversial. It works in the lower levels, but usually keeping it at level 1 is enough. Basically what you got is a doll with no HP or IQ that toddles around either casting a really crappy unbewitchment, -1 AP, or -1 MP on an enemy. Level 3 takes 2 ap/mp off, level 5 takes 3. You will regret leveling this early, though, because much better spells are on the way.
Paralyzing Poison (Level 3): Another worthless spell. Just do not touch it.
Tear (Level 6): The damage caused by this spell is awesome, and you may think that it is not too late to switch to an Enudida. This spell is too bad. Use it at level one for as long as it does more damage than Bramble, but as soon as Bramble gets better, never touch it again.
The Block (Level 9): So here is a doll that wobbles toward your enemy, and has crazy high AGI to stop them from winning the dodge roll. Just stands in front of your enemy so he can not hit you. The only time you will use it is in low levels, while praying that the enemy attacks it instead of you so that you can run away.
So, the above spells are only recommended to be used in lower class. When you levels up, stop using it right now.
The Four Classes in Aion (Chapter 4)
4. Priest
Priests specialize in healing magic and can use long-range spells to help allies and hinder the enemy. While Priests are more than capable of engaging in melee combat, they can use healing and protection spells to aid allies in battle.
Skills of Priest:
a. Basic Mace Training:Allows you to use maces.
b.Basic Cloth Proficiency: Allows you to wear clothing. A skill to be proud of.
c. SmiteⅠ: Inflicts 85 magical earth damage on a target within 25m of you.
Chain Skill Level 1.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
d. Returns: Returns to the bind point %0.
e.Bandage Heal: Uses 1 bandage to restore your HP by 178.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
f. Basic Leather Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear leather armor.
g. Basic Cloth Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear cloth armor.
h. Healing LightⅠ: Restores the HP of a target within 23m of you by 93.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses
i.Blessing of HealthⅠ: Increases Max HP of a target within 15m by 10% for 60Min.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
j. Hallowed StrikeⅠ: Inflicts 51~55 physical damage on the target. The target’s attack speed decreases for 10Sec.
Chain Skill Level 1.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
k. Blessing RockⅠ: Increases Physical Defense of a target within 15m by 10% for 60Min.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
l. Light of RenewalⅠ: Instantly restores the HP of a target within 23m by 11, and also restores 11 of HP every 2Sec for 8Sec.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
m. Heaven’s JudgementⅠ: Inflicts 121 magical wind damage on a target within 25m, and sometimes stuns the target temporarily.
Chain Skill Level 2
Hallowed Strike– Heaven’s Judgment.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
n. Light of resurrectionⅠ: Resurrects a target within 15m of you.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
o. Promise of WindⅠ: For 30Min, has a 5% chance to inflict additional 52 damage on the target whenever you Attack.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
At level 9, Priests will receive their Ascension quest automatically. This Campaign quest will lead you to become either a Chanter or a Cleric. Once ascended your base attributes will change slightly and you will gain your new gathering abilities.
Priests specialize in healing magic and can use long-range spells to help allies and hinder the enemy. While Priests are more than capable of engaging in melee combat, they can use healing and protection spells to aid allies in battle.
Skills of Priest:
a. Basic Mace Training:Allows you to use maces.
b.Basic Cloth Proficiency: Allows you to wear clothing. A skill to be proud of.
c. SmiteⅠ: Inflicts 85 magical earth damage on a target within 25m of you.
Chain Skill Level 1.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
d. Returns: Returns to the bind point %0.
e.Bandage Heal: Uses 1 bandage to restore your HP by 178.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
f. Basic Leather Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear leather armor.
g. Basic Cloth Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear cloth armor.
h. Healing LightⅠ: Restores the HP of a target within 23m of you by 93.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses
i.Blessing of HealthⅠ: Increases Max HP of a target within 15m by 10% for 60Min.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
j. Hallowed StrikeⅠ: Inflicts 51~55 physical damage on the target. The target’s attack speed decreases for 10Sec.
Chain Skill Level 1.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
k. Blessing RockⅠ: Increases Physical Defense of a target within 15m by 10% for 60Min.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
l. Light of RenewalⅠ: Instantly restores the HP of a target within 23m by 11, and also restores 11 of HP every 2Sec for 8Sec.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
m. Heaven’s JudgementⅠ: Inflicts 121 magical wind damage on a target within 25m, and sometimes stuns the target temporarily.
Chain Skill Level 2
Hallowed Strike– Heaven’s Judgment.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
n. Light of resurrectionⅠ: Resurrects a target within 15m of you.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
o. Promise of WindⅠ: For 30Min, has a 5% chance to inflict additional 52 damage on the target whenever you Attack.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
At level 9, Priests will receive their Ascension quest automatically. This Campaign quest will lead you to become either a Chanter or a Cleric. Once ascended your base attributes will change slightly and you will gain your new gathering abilities.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Detective Conan: The Lost Ship in the Sky

This anime film has been exhibited in Japan, but we still can not see this wonderful fim till now. The following is the general plot I found on the Internet.
Jirokichi Suzuki, Sonoko's uncle, invites Conan, Ran, the Junior Detective League, and others to ride Bell Tree, the largest airship in the world, for a six-hour trip to Osaka. However, Kid has his eyes set on the Lady of the Sky, a jewel aboard the vessel. Also, the mysterious terrorist group known as Red Siamese Cat hijacks the ship and accidentally releases a deadly virus…
I really want to watch this film, anyone know the following plot?
Which anime film of Detective Conan do you like best?
So far, there are altogether 15 anime films of Detective Conan. Every film is so completed and exciting. They are
Detective Conan: The Time-Bombed Skyscraper
Detective Conan: The Fourteenth Target
Detective Conan: The Last Wizard of the Century
Detective Conan: Captured in Her Eyes
Detective Conan: Countdown to Heaven
Detective Conan: The Phantom of Baker Street
Detective Conan: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital
Detective Conan: Magician of the Silver Sky
Detective Conan: Strategy Above the Depths
Detective Conan: The Private Eyes' Requiem
Detective Conan: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure
Detective Conan: Full Score of Fear
Detective Conan: The Raven Chaser
Detective Conan: The Lost Ship in the Sky
In my opinion, The Phantom of Baker Street is the most wonderful. The combination of Conan and Sherlock Holmes makes the splendid plot. So, which one do you like best?
Detective Conan: The Time-Bombed Skyscraper
Detective Conan: The Fourteenth Target
Detective Conan: The Last Wizard of the Century
Detective Conan: Captured in Her Eyes
Detective Conan: Countdown to Heaven
Detective Conan: The Phantom of Baker Street
Detective Conan: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital
Detective Conan: Magician of the Silver Sky
Detective Conan: Strategy Above the Depths
Detective Conan: The Private Eyes' Requiem
Detective Conan: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure
Detective Conan: Full Score of Fear
Detective Conan: The Raven Chaser
Detective Conan: The Lost Ship in the Sky
In my opinion, The Phantom of Baker Street is the most wonderful. The combination of Conan and Sherlock Holmes makes the splendid plot. So, which one do you like best?
The Four Classes in Aion (Chapter III)
3. Mage
Mages rely on their mastery of magic to deal large amounts of damage at long range. They are comparatively weak at close combat, and it is important for them to learn how to divert and evade the enemy.
Skills of Mage
a. Basic Cloth Proficiency: Allows you to wear clothing. A skill to be proud of.
b. Basic Spellbook Training: Allows you to use spellbooks.
c. RootⅠ(Mage): Immobilizes a target within 25m for 20Sec.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
d. Returns: Returns to the bind point %0.
e. Bandage Heal: Uses 1 bandage to restore your HP by 178.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
f. Basic Cloth Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear cloth armor.
g. Flame BoltⅠ: Inflicts 60 magical fire damage on a target within 25m of you.
Chain Skill Level 1.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
h. Ice ChainⅠ:Inflicts 75 magical water damage on a target within 25m of you, and reduces its movement speed for 12Sec.
Chain Skill Level 1.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
i. ConcentrationⅠ:Boosts Concentration by 25.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
j. ErosionⅠ: Inflicts 34 magical earth damage on a target within 25m of you, and deals further 30 damage every 3Sec for 15Sec.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
k. BlazeⅠ: Inflicts 105 magical fire damage on a target within 25m. The target’s Magic Resist decreases by 30 for 30Sec.
Chain Skill Level 2
Flame Bolt-Burst
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
l. Stone SkinⅠ: Forms a protective shield for 5Min that can absorb damage with the probability of 100% from each Attack. If you are attacked by a Player, you suffer less extra damage. (The protective shield absorbs 192 damage each time and remains effective until it absorbs a total of 192 damage.)
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
m. Frozen ShockⅠ: Inflicts 116 magical water damage on a target within 25m of you and puts it in the Knocked Back state.
Chain Skill Level 2
Ice Chain- Frozen Shock
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
n. Absorb EnergyⅠ: Restores your MP by 172.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
At level 9, Mages will receive their Ascension quest automatically. This Campaign quest will lead you to become either a Sorcerer or a Spiritmaster. Once ascended your base attributes will change slightly and you will gain your new gathering abilities.
Mages rely on their mastery of magic to deal large amounts of damage at long range. They are comparatively weak at close combat, and it is important for them to learn how to divert and evade the enemy.
Skills of Mage
a. Basic Cloth Proficiency: Allows you to wear clothing. A skill to be proud of.
b. Basic Spellbook Training: Allows you to use spellbooks.
c. RootⅠ(Mage): Immobilizes a target within 25m for 20Sec.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
d. Returns: Returns to the bind point %0.
e. Bandage Heal: Uses 1 bandage to restore your HP by 178.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
f. Basic Cloth Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear cloth armor.
g. Flame BoltⅠ: Inflicts 60 magical fire damage on a target within 25m of you.
Chain Skill Level 1.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
h. Ice ChainⅠ:Inflicts 75 magical water damage on a target within 25m of you, and reduces its movement speed for 12Sec.
Chain Skill Level 1.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
i. ConcentrationⅠ:Boosts Concentration by 25.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
j. ErosionⅠ: Inflicts 34 magical earth damage on a target within 25m of you, and deals further 30 damage every 3Sec for 15Sec.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
k. BlazeⅠ: Inflicts 105 magical fire damage on a target within 25m. The target’s Magic Resist decreases by 30 for 30Sec.
Chain Skill Level 2
Flame Bolt-Burst
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
l. Stone SkinⅠ: Forms a protective shield for 5Min that can absorb damage with the probability of 100% from each Attack. If you are attacked by a Player, you suffer less extra damage. (The protective shield absorbs 192 damage each time and remains effective until it absorbs a total of 192 damage.)
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
m. Frozen ShockⅠ: Inflicts 116 magical water damage on a target within 25m of you and puts it in the Knocked Back state.
Chain Skill Level 2
Ice Chain- Frozen Shock
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
n. Absorb EnergyⅠ: Restores your MP by 172.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
At level 9, Mages will receive their Ascension quest automatically. This Campaign quest will lead you to become either a Sorcerer or a Spiritmaster. Once ascended your base attributes will change slightly and you will gain your new gathering abilities.
Friday, May 21, 2010
The Four Classes in Aion (Chapter II)
2. Scout
Scouts provide the best variety of play styles of all the basic classes. They benefit from great agility and can make speedy attacks, though how well they perform varies, depending on the player. The Scout is an extremely versatile class.
Skills of Scouts:
a. Basic Sword Training: Allows you to use swords.
b. Basic Cloth Proficiency: Allows you to wear clothing. A skill to be proud of.
c. Swift EdgeⅠ: Inflicts 61~65 physical damage on the target.
Chain Skill Level 1.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
d. Focused EvasionⅠ: Dodges physical attacks 1 times for 5Sec and resists magical attacks 1 times.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
e. Returns: Returns to the bind point %0.
f. Bandage Heal: Uses 1 bandage to restore your HP by 178.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
g. Basic Leather Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear leather armor.
h. Basic Dagger Training: Allows you to use daggers.
i. Basic Cloth Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear cloth armor.
j. Surprise AttackⅠ: Inflicts 16~20 physical damage on the target, and causes additional 87 physical damage if used on the target’s back.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
k. HideⅠ: Enters basic stealth for 30Sec~50Sec. The skill decreases the movement speed by 40% while in effect.Unable to use during battle.The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
l. Advanced Dual-WeildingⅠ: Allows you to use a weapon in each hand.
m. Boost AccuracyⅠ: Boosts your accuracy.
n. CounterattackⅠ: Upon success of Evasion, inflicts 59~63 physical damage on the target and sometimes stuns it temporarily.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
o. Soul SlashⅠ: Inflicts 67~71 physical damage on the target.
Chain Skill Level 2
Swift Edge-Soul Slash
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
p. DevotionⅠ: Increases your Physicalattack power by 40% for 5Sec.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
q. Evation Rate IncreaseⅠ: Boosts the evasion rate.
At level 9, Scouts will receive their Ascension quest automatically. This Campaign quest will lead you to become either an Assassin or a Ranger. Once ascended your base attributes will change slightly and you will gain your new gathering abilities.
To be continued....
Scouts provide the best variety of play styles of all the basic classes. They benefit from great agility and can make speedy attacks, though how well they perform varies, depending on the player. The Scout is an extremely versatile class.
Skills of Scouts:
a. Basic Sword Training: Allows you to use swords.
b. Basic Cloth Proficiency: Allows you to wear clothing. A skill to be proud of.
c. Swift EdgeⅠ: Inflicts 61~65 physical damage on the target.
Chain Skill Level 1.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
d. Focused EvasionⅠ: Dodges physical attacks 1 times for 5Sec and resists magical attacks 1 times.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
e. Returns: Returns to the bind point %0.
f. Bandage Heal: Uses 1 bandage to restore your HP by 178.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
g. Basic Leather Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear leather armor.
h. Basic Dagger Training: Allows you to use daggers.
i. Basic Cloth Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear cloth armor.
j. Surprise AttackⅠ: Inflicts 16~20 physical damage on the target, and causes additional 87 physical damage if used on the target’s back.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
k. HideⅠ: Enters basic stealth for 30Sec~50Sec. The skill decreases the movement speed by 40% while in effect.Unable to use during battle.The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
l. Advanced Dual-WeildingⅠ: Allows you to use a weapon in each hand.
m. Boost AccuracyⅠ: Boosts your accuracy.
n. CounterattackⅠ: Upon success of Evasion, inflicts 59~63 physical damage on the target and sometimes stuns it temporarily.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
o. Soul SlashⅠ: Inflicts 67~71 physical damage on the target.
Chain Skill Level 2
Swift Edge-Soul Slash
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
p. DevotionⅠ: Increases your Physicalattack power by 40% for 5Sec.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
q. Evation Rate IncreaseⅠ: Boosts the evasion rate.
At level 9, Scouts will receive their Ascension quest automatically. This Campaign quest will lead you to become either an Assassin or a Ranger. Once ascended your base attributes will change slightly and you will gain your new gathering abilities.
To be continued....
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Four Classes in Aion (Chapter I)
As we all know, when we enter into a game, we need to choose a race and a class to start. Once you choose the above two, your life in the game will be destined. So, having a good knowledge about classes is very important. Here, I would like to introduce some information about classes in Aion.
1. Warrior
Warriors specialize in close combat, utilizing their great physical strength and prowess. They exhibit a wide range of dazzling battle skills other classes cannot perform, though Warriors are relatively easy to play.
Skills of Warrior:
a. Basic Sword Training: Allows you to use swords.
b. Basic Mace Training:Allows you to use maces.
c. Ferocious Strike Ⅰ: Inflicts 39~43 physical damage on the target.
Chain Skill Level 1.The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
d. Returns: Returns to the bind point %0.
e. Bandage Heal: Uses 1 bandage to restore your HP by 178.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
f. Basic Cloth Proficiency: Allows you to wear clothing. A skill to be proud of.
g. Basic Leather Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear leather armor.
h. Basic Chain Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear chain armor.
j. Basic Sheild Training: Allows you to use shields.
k.Basic Cloth Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear cloth armor.
l. Boost Physical Attack Ⅰ: Boosts Physicalattack power.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
m. Robust FlowⅠ: Inflicts 48~52 physical damage on the target.
Chain Skill Level 2 Ferocious Strike- Robust Flow
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
n. Shield DefenseⅠ: Increases your shielddefense by 500, Physical Defense by 10%, and Stun Resist value by 500.
The skill becomes disabled if another skill is used. You cannot jump while the skill is in effect.
A shield required
Active Skill.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
o. Weakening Severe BlowⅠ: Inflicts 27~31 physical damage on the target, and decreases its Physical Defense by 100 for 6Sec.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
p. Boost HP Ⅰ: Increases Max HP by 3% and HP Recovery Rate by 4.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
q. RangeⅠ: Increases your Physicalattack power by 9 for 10Sec, and forms a protective shield that has a 100% chance to absorb 98 damage, up to 98 damage, whenever you’re subject to Attack.
Chain Skill Level 2
Ferocious Strike – Rage.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
r. Shield CounterⅠ: When Shield Defense is successful, inflicts 73~77 physical damage on the target by bashing it with the shield, and stuns it temporarily.
A shield required.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
s. Boost ParryⅠ: Increases your parry rate.
At level 9, Warriors will receive their Ascension quest automatically. This Campaign quest will lead you to become either a Templar or Gladiator. Once ascended your base attributes will change slightly and you will gain your new gathering abilities.
1. Warrior
Warriors specialize in close combat, utilizing their great physical strength and prowess. They exhibit a wide range of dazzling battle skills other classes cannot perform, though Warriors are relatively easy to play.
Skills of Warrior:
a. Basic Sword Training: Allows you to use swords.
b. Basic Mace Training:Allows you to use maces.
c. Ferocious Strike Ⅰ: Inflicts 39~43 physical damage on the target.
Chain Skill Level 1.The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
d. Returns: Returns to the bind point %0.
e. Bandage Heal: Uses 1 bandage to restore your HP by 178.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
f. Basic Cloth Proficiency: Allows you to wear clothing. A skill to be proud of.
g. Basic Leather Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear leather armor.
h. Basic Chain Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear chain armor.
j. Basic Sheild Training: Allows you to use shields.
k.Basic Cloth Armor Proficiency: Allows you to wear cloth armor.
l. Boost Physical Attack Ⅰ: Boosts Physicalattack power.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
m. Robust FlowⅠ: Inflicts 48~52 physical damage on the target.
Chain Skill Level 2 Ferocious Strike- Robust Flow
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
n. Shield DefenseⅠ: Increases your shielddefense by 500, Physical Defense by 10%, and Stun Resist value by 500.
The skill becomes disabled if another skill is used. You cannot jump while the skill is in effect.
A shield required
Active Skill.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
o. Weakening Severe BlowⅠ: Inflicts 27~31 physical damage on the target, and decreases its Physical Defense by 100 for 6Sec.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
p. Boost HP Ⅰ: Increases Max HP by 3% and HP Recovery Rate by 4.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
q. RangeⅠ: Increases your Physicalattack power by 9 for 10Sec, and forms a protective shield that has a 100% chance to absorb 98 damage, up to 98 damage, whenever you’re subject to Attack.
Chain Skill Level 2
Ferocious Strike – Rage.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
r. Shield CounterⅠ: When Shield Defense is successful, inflicts 73~77 physical damage on the target by bashing it with the shield, and stuns it temporarily.
A shield required.
The effect of the skill will be different from these base values, depending on the character’s level, equipped items, and other bonuses.
s. Boost ParryⅠ: Increases your parry rate.
At level 9, Warriors will receive their Ascension quest automatically. This Campaign quest will lead you to become either a Templar or Gladiator. Once ascended your base attributes will change slightly and you will gain your new gathering abilities.
Vampire Knight

This story happened in a school created by a vampire hunter, who want to provides a harmonious environment for human beings and vampires. The heroine Yuki was the adopted daughter of the headmaster, and was deeply attracted by the hero Kuran Kaname, who is a vampire with pure blood. What’s more, another adopted child Zero loved Yuki so much. And the story around these three characters began.Among all the characters, I like Kuran so much. You may ask why. It is his grace, his dignity, his power, and his love to Yuki. I think you must be attracted by him if you watch this anime.
Tips for Combat in LOTRO
The experience has specific attractions to player of Lord of the Rings Online. Here, I would share my own experience and skills of this game with you.
As the game start, I need to elect forces, which can be divided into the expedition and the magic. The process of this game can is also divided into two parts, movement parts and combat parts. The movement part is the same as other ordinary SLG games. However, it is not the kind of movement after walking routes of all are determined, but the movement of the two sides at the same time. If you encounter the enemy in the process of moving, then you will stop moved. Until all the people finish moving and transfer into the fighting part, then it is time going fighting.
The methods of fighting are long-range bows and short-range arrows and swords. First, move the cross keypad to point the cursor to the people whom you want to fight with. Then press X and move the cursor to the enemy, at this time you will see the hit rate and injury degree. Press X again to determine your friends. When all your friends have chosen to play, the combat start. When you are fighting, you should pay attention to the terrain and HP, if HP is not enough, hurry to escape, or hide behind the stone. You will be rewarded with lord of the rings gold to buy skills. What’s more, the level of enemies in each task is almost the same, so you can repeat to challenge to level up.
Finally, I really hope my experience in combat is useful to you. Thank you for your reading.
As the game start, I need to elect forces, which can be divided into the expedition and the magic. The process of this game can is also divided into two parts, movement parts and combat parts. The movement part is the same as other ordinary SLG games. However, it is not the kind of movement after walking routes of all are determined, but the movement of the two sides at the same time. If you encounter the enemy in the process of moving, then you will stop moved. Until all the people finish moving and transfer into the fighting part, then it is time going fighting.
The methods of fighting are long-range bows and short-range arrows and swords. First, move the cross keypad to point the cursor to the people whom you want to fight with. Then press X and move the cursor to the enemy, at this time you will see the hit rate and injury degree. Press X again to determine your friends. When all your friends have chosen to play, the combat start. When you are fighting, you should pay attention to the terrain and HP, if HP is not enough, hurry to escape, or hide behind the stone. You will be rewarded with lord of the rings gold to buy skills. What’s more, the level of enemies in each task is almost the same, so you can repeat to challenge to level up.
Finally, I really hope my experience in combat is useful to you. Thank you for your reading.
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Most Attractive 5 Points in Guild Wars
Guild wars is a wonderful game that attracts large numbers of players to play. The following five points are most important to me.
1. No Hack Tools. This could guarantee the purity and fair of this game so that players could do tasks, get equipments and PK in this game.
2. Less Grade. There are altogether 20 levels in this game, and you could finish it in more than 10 hours. And when you level up to 20, you could also add your skill points to strengthen yourself.
3. Abundant tasks and plots. You will not be bored of upgrading. During your exploration, your level will be upgraded unknowingly. It seems that you are watching an exploration novel or an adventure movie.
4. Highly dynamic dance. The dances in this game are very true and just like real person.
5. If you just want to PK, you could create a character of level20 so that you do not to waste your time leveling up.
1. No Hack Tools. This could guarantee the purity and fair of this game so that players could do tasks, get equipments and PK in this game.
2. Less Grade. There are altogether 20 levels in this game, and you could finish it in more than 10 hours. And when you level up to 20, you could also add your skill points to strengthen yourself.
3. Abundant tasks and plots. You will not be bored of upgrading. During your exploration, your level will be upgraded unknowingly. It seems that you are watching an exploration novel or an adventure movie.
4. Highly dynamic dance. The dances in this game are very true and just like real person.
5. If you just want to PK, you could create a character of level20 so that you do not to waste your time leveling up.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Seek for Net Link Exchange
Dear Readers,
Is anyone want to exchange net link exchange with me? I am a moderator of the newly built mmorpg forum http://www.mmofuns.com. Although our forum is new, we teammates are trying to make it a massive community for not only game players, but also for fans of anime, movie, cosplay and so on. We update our forum everyone, providing visitors the most recent news and most useful tips.
Mutual help will make mutual development. So, if you have the willing of exchanging net link with us, please leave your contact message here, or send a email to me. My email adress is toryyang@live.cn.
In the end, thank you for your reading.
Is anyone want to exchange net link exchange with me? I am a moderator of the newly built mmorpg forum http://www.mmofuns.com. Although our forum is new, we teammates are trying to make it a massive community for not only game players, but also for fans of anime, movie, cosplay and so on. We update our forum everyone, providing visitors the most recent news and most useful tips.
Mutual help will make mutual development. So, if you have the willing of exchanging net link with us, please leave your contact message here, or send a email to me. My email adress is toryyang@live.cn.
In the end, thank you for your reading.
Tips for Obtaining Pets in Valkyrie Sky
Pets in the game are as cute and useful as in our real world. But how to get a pet and how to take care of them? Here I would give some tips for you.
When you are level 11, you need to complete a quest. But you cannot buy a pet yet. After you completing this quest, you will be rewarded with a pet Rutoro who cannot evolve like other pets you purchase.
When you upgrade from level 11, that is to say, when you are level 12 or above level 12, you can go to Flygheim to talk with the NPC Mugin. There you can buy an unkown egg. Mugin would not prevent you if your level is enough high. Each egg costs 10,000 gran. If your pet gets lost, you can recover it talking to the NPC. The cost is 10000 gran. The NPC also sells pet resurrection scrolls for 50000 gran. Then right click to turn the egg into a random pet.
As you have your own pets, you could make full use of functions of your pets, such as collection. You can open the pet menu by pressing "P" where you can see its status, lvl, and other information. Call your pet to allow it to gain exp and be useful. Your pet has a limited inventory. When you are in the sky, left click a node and press collect.Your pet will begin moving to that node and begin collection unless the node is too far away. It is recommended that you approach the node first and then press collect, as being too far away from your pet can cause it to become lost. Items in your pet's inventory can be right clicked in order to move those items into your own inventory.
Is it interesting to play with pets? If you like, you could also do it with.
When you are level 11, you need to complete a quest. But you cannot buy a pet yet. After you completing this quest, you will be rewarded with a pet Rutoro who cannot evolve like other pets you purchase.
When you upgrade from level 11, that is to say, when you are level 12 or above level 12, you can go to Flygheim to talk with the NPC Mugin. There you can buy an unkown egg. Mugin would not prevent you if your level is enough high. Each egg costs 10,000 gran. If your pet gets lost, you can recover it talking to the NPC. The cost is 10000 gran. The NPC also sells pet resurrection scrolls for 50000 gran. Then right click to turn the egg into a random pet.
As you have your own pets, you could make full use of functions of your pets, such as collection. You can open the pet menu by pressing "P" where you can see its status, lvl, and other information. Call your pet to allow it to gain exp and be useful. Your pet has a limited inventory. When you are in the sky, left click a node and press collect.Your pet will begin moving to that node and begin collection unless the node is too far away. It is recommended that you approach the node first and then press collect, as being too far away from your pet can cause it to become lost. Items in your pet's inventory can be right clicked in order to move those items into your own inventory.
Is it interesting to play with pets? If you like, you could also do it with.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Did Lelouch really die in Code Geass?

In the end of Code Geass, Lelouch was killed by his best friend for the peace, but I still doubt that he didn’t die. Because it is said that the person who has the original code geass will never be killed. In contrast, who can kill that kind of people will also get eternal life. Thus, C.C. is trying to find a person who can kill her. Lelouch killed his father and ought to get eternal life, just like C.C. What’s your opinion?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Spirited Away

This is a Japanese anime film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and follows a sullen ten-year-old girl who is in the process of moving to a new town with her family, and chronicles her adventures in a world of spirits and monsters. However, the heroine Chihiro faced a lot of problems, such as horrible witch, strange customers, and poor parents who were changed into pigs by the witch. With her kindness and brave heart, Chihiro returned home successfully with the help of kind hero Kaku.This film received many awards, including the second Oscar ever awarded for Best Animated Feature, the first anime film to win an Academy Award, and the first (and so far only) non-English speaking animation to win. The film also won the Golden Bear at the 2002 Berlin International Film Festival. So, have you watched this film? If you do, tell us your feelings; and if not, try to find it and enjoy it.
Artical from http://www.mmofuns.com/topic573.html
Artical from http://www.mmofuns.com/topic573.html
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Tips for Knight in Beating Monsters in Shaiya
I have seen someone share their experience and skills on the internet, so I think I would also share my experience with others. The following are some tips we need to notice when we play as Knight to beat monsters in Shaiya.
When monsters get together, our perspectives should be placed to the direction behind the team so that we can notice new monsters brushed out at any time. The knight is not qualified if he just focus his eyes in the crowd of monsters.
No matter how much HP you have, you must protect the more vulnerable priests and mages, because they are more important than your own lives. We have so many ways to protect ourselves and add our HP, but they could only save themselves in one way. When the situation is chaotic and the whole players are at risk, you should release blessing protector to protect your team members. Knight must have the spirit of dedication. Even it costs your life, you must protect your teammates, especially to protect the priest, because only the priest survived, other members could be rescued.
Once you defeated a group of monsters, one or two monsters may be remained. So, you just need to sit down and leave them to mage. When you are sitting, you will not be affected by monsters’ attack. At the same time, you could do full preparation for the next group of monsters.
Tell your attack signal to mages. If you cooperate well with mages, mages could find the best time to attack monsters.
Attract as many monsters as you can. In the limit of your ability, try your best to attract monsters. It must become the reason why other mages want to make a group with you.
The above is what I want to say. I hope it will do good for you.
And more information at www.mmofuns.com.
When monsters get together, our perspectives should be placed to the direction behind the team so that we can notice new monsters brushed out at any time. The knight is not qualified if he just focus his eyes in the crowd of monsters.
No matter how much HP you have, you must protect the more vulnerable priests and mages, because they are more important than your own lives. We have so many ways to protect ourselves and add our HP, but they could only save themselves in one way. When the situation is chaotic and the whole players are at risk, you should release blessing protector to protect your team members. Knight must have the spirit of dedication. Even it costs your life, you must protect your teammates, especially to protect the priest, because only the priest survived, other members could be rescued.
Once you defeated a group of monsters, one or two monsters may be remained. So, you just need to sit down and leave them to mage. When you are sitting, you will not be affected by monsters’ attack. At the same time, you could do full preparation for the next group of monsters.
Tell your attack signal to mages. If you cooperate well with mages, mages could find the best time to attack monsters.
Attract as many monsters as you can. In the limit of your ability, try your best to attract monsters. It must become the reason why other mages want to make a group with you.
The above is what I want to say. I hope it will do good for you.
And more information at www.mmofuns.com.
Tips for Wizard in PvP in Cabal
As we all know, Wizard is good at magic spells, but is it useful in PvP? Here, I would like to give some tips for players of Wizard in PvP.
Try not to click others to invite them but accept PvP. You could accept PvP outside 12 grid so that you could not only attack you opponents with combo, but also interrupt the combo of your opponents. Compared with other professions,Wizard are always more initiative, because they have the ability of blinking. The best way to anticipate pvp to make a team with your opponents. Then you could see HP of your opponents clearly, and share team skills with them。
How to start combo is also very important. This detail often determines you victory or loose. When you start, you stand there without move. Because if you loose your aim or be beaten by others, you need to wait your skills cooldown to start the next combo. What I usually do is start combo to a monster far away and then transfer skills to my rivals, sprinting out skills in 10 grids.
The skills arragement I recommend is High plus 2 gun plus 2 Compression. Increase magic should be opened after you accept pvp. And then make full use of the skill of 2sec 70hp.
If you are not familiar with combo, you need more practise. Because Wizard are too dependent on the continuous attack output. The amount of Wizard is so little, not because this profession is too weak, but its requirements are too high.
The above are just my own experiences and opinions. I really hope you could enjoy it. So just experience the thrilling pvp in Cabal!
And more information at www.mmofuns.com.
Try not to click others to invite them but accept PvP. You could accept PvP outside 12 grid so that you could not only attack you opponents with combo, but also interrupt the combo of your opponents. Compared with other professions,Wizard are always more initiative, because they have the ability of blinking. The best way to anticipate pvp to make a team with your opponents. Then you could see HP of your opponents clearly, and share team skills with them。
How to start combo is also very important. This detail often determines you victory or loose. When you start, you stand there without move. Because if you loose your aim or be beaten by others, you need to wait your skills cooldown to start the next combo. What I usually do is start combo to a monster far away and then transfer skills to my rivals, sprinting out skills in 10 grids.
The skills arragement I recommend is High plus 2 gun plus 2 Compression. Increase magic should be opened after you accept pvp. And then make full use of the skill of 2sec 70hp.
If you are not familiar with combo, you need more practise. Because Wizard are too dependent on the continuous attack output. The amount of Wizard is so little, not because this profession is too weak, but its requirements are too high.
The above are just my own experiences and opinions. I really hope you could enjoy it. So just experience the thrilling pvp in Cabal!
And more information at www.mmofuns.com.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Cleanup Tasks in Cabal Online
As we all know, there are three types of tasks in the game Cabal Online, they are tasks of dialogue, tasks of killing monsters and cleanup tasks. Among all these three tasks, cleanup task is the most difficult. So here I would like to share my skills in playing tasks of clearing.
Players who had done this task all know that after you entering cleanup tasks, no matter how many doors in front of you, there are no more than two kinds of clearing. One is to kill monsters, and the other is to break five lights or crystal to go into the next door.
Initially, I killed all monsters before entering the next door. Later I discovered that it does not cost so much effort, just kill the crowd of less monsters or kill the leader of monsters so that you can go into the next door. As for the elimination of lamps and crystal, you can ignore the monsters inside. You just went to the lamp quickly and break it then the next. After you breaking all the five lights or crystal, you can enter into the next door.
If you are worry about doing such tasks, you can go to try.
And more informations at http://www.mmofuns.com .
Players who had done this task all know that after you entering cleanup tasks, no matter how many doors in front of you, there are no more than two kinds of clearing. One is to kill monsters, and the other is to break five lights or crystal to go into the next door.
Initially, I killed all monsters before entering the next door. Later I discovered that it does not cost so much effort, just kill the crowd of less monsters or kill the leader of monsters so that you can go into the next door. As for the elimination of lamps and crystal, you can ignore the monsters inside. You just went to the lamp quickly and break it then the next. After you breaking all the five lights or crystal, you can enter into the next door.
If you are worry about doing such tasks, you can go to try.
And more informations at http://www.mmofuns.com .
Classes in Luna Online
When we refer to a online game, we may think of many games about combat such as WoW. But I think women players are tend to some cute cartoon games. Luna Online is one of them. Luna Online tells about a story happened between elves and humans. They're 2 different species of people that are pretty much only differentiated by pointed ears at this point.
There are only three classes in this game, and they are: Fighter, Mage and Rogue.
Fighters are your standard tanks. They can deal heavy damage or take heavy damage depending on your route. Skills are also further divided into 1 handed or 2 handed. Later on its possible to choose between dual wielding or sword and shield as well. They only need 2 stats. Strength and Vitality.
Mages can be either support or attack. Its very helpful to be hybrid early on as well so you can defend yourself if necessary. Once you're past your 3rd class, it’s best to stick to just a single type otherwise you will have big holes in your skill tree.
Rogues are what you expect them to be. They're fast and cause status effects. They also use bows for long range. Unlike the other classes, There is a greater penalty for switching around with rogues. Bow and dagger skills almost never provide benefits to each other. They have high stun rates as well and are a very attack oriented class, but fighters are still better overall in terms of pure damage.
It seems that the classes are so limited. But in fact, it is reverse. Players has a toatal of fifty-two classes that branch out from the three base classes to select during character creation. Players are free to design hybrid characters. For example, a Mage who picks Priest at level twenty can still become a Warlock at seventy-five, and retain all skills trained as a priest. Another interesting feature offered in Luna Online is player-owned Farms. Farms can only be purchased and operated by Families.
From the above, we can see this game is quite in a casual style and would bring players another unique experience.
There are only three classes in this game, and they are: Fighter, Mage and Rogue.
Fighters are your standard tanks. They can deal heavy damage or take heavy damage depending on your route. Skills are also further divided into 1 handed or 2 handed. Later on its possible to choose between dual wielding or sword and shield as well. They only need 2 stats. Strength and Vitality.
Mages can be either support or attack. Its very helpful to be hybrid early on as well so you can defend yourself if necessary. Once you're past your 3rd class, it’s best to stick to just a single type otherwise you will have big holes in your skill tree.
Rogues are what you expect them to be. They're fast and cause status effects. They also use bows for long range. Unlike the other classes, There is a greater penalty for switching around with rogues. Bow and dagger skills almost never provide benefits to each other. They have high stun rates as well and are a very attack oriented class, but fighters are still better overall in terms of pure damage.
It seems that the classes are so limited. But in fact, it is reverse. Players has a toatal of fifty-two classes that branch out from the three base classes to select during character creation. Players are free to design hybrid characters. For example, a Mage who picks Priest at level twenty can still become a Warlock at seventy-five, and retain all skills trained as a priest. Another interesting feature offered in Luna Online is player-owned Farms. Farms can only be purchased and operated by Families.
From the above, we can see this game is quite in a casual style and would bring players another unique experience.
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